wings pt. 1 | tommyinnit

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TW: blood, gore, screaming, knives, suicidal thoughts, abuse.

A/N: This will have to be two parts because I got a bit carried away with the beginning... so yeah enjoy! 

Philza was an avian, it was quite obvious and well known. So it was surprising when none of his sons adopted his most prominent feature. Wilbur and Techno had made it through puberty only acquiring his voices; one of chaos and destruction and the other of blood. Tommy was sixteen, nearly seventeen. Most avian's wings presented themselves from age eight to fourteen. So it was assumed Tommy wouldn't have wings either, but he hadn't shown any signs of having the voices, like his two older brothers. 

But Tommy was sick, and very alone. He had been in exile for a long time, he was sure it had been months; but Dream claimed it had only been two weeks. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he was in pain and scared. Dream had gone on a trip through the nether for a week, giving Tommy a small break from the constant torment, well physically at least. 

"Don't even try leaving Tommy, I have eyes everywhere" He threatened. "I will find you, and I will be very upset if you leave me all alone"

Those words ran through the young blondes head every night. It had been three days since Dream had left, and after the first night he had been experiencing horrific pain in his back. 

Tommy's Pov

The pain wouldn't leave, it followed me where ever I went. I wanted nothing more than to curl up next to Wilbur, my face pressed into his sweater. Letting Phil run his fingers through my matted hair while Techno read aloud from one of his many books. 

But I had been stupid, I was selfish, I deserved every ounce of pain. Because of my actions I would never get to experience that again.  Wilbur was long gone, leaving behind a shell of the man he was; Ghostbur. Ghostbur was nice and all, but he'd never replace Wilbur. Techno and Phil hate my guts, rightfully so; I am a menace. 

Still I couldn't help but long for it. As I laid beside my bed, too weak to even climb in it. I was sure I had a fever, everything hurt and felt like it was on fire.  I knew m cheeks were splotchy from tears and sweat, I was so cold yet everything was on fire. I wanted to scream, but I had worn my voice out by night two. I had been in this pain for seventy two hours now. I wanted to run, to seek help for my pain. But I knew deep down everyone would ignore me, kill me even. 

If I had the strength I would just end myself, between the pain and despair of being alone to the physical torment I had endured while here; Death was inviting. Death had to be warm, because living was so so cold. 

I closed my eyes, a nap wouldn't hurt...right? Right as my eyes shut a horrific pain shot through my back, someone screamed; a blood curdling scream ripping through the air. 

As black spots filled my vision, I realized... it was my scream. 

Technoblade's Pov 

I was heading towards Logstedshire, it was surprisingly close to Phil and I's base. I hadn't known Tommy was that close, Ranboo had told me the coordinates prior this morning. I felt guilty for not visiting the little gremlin, I felt even guiltier for the things I had said. Wether he supports a government or not, he is always my little brother. 

I knew living with Dream couldn't be easy, I mean just look at the man! I was pretty sure he didn't even have a house. A secret lair, maybe. A house? Nah. 

The walk to Logstedshire was quiet, and as I approached the air only got stiffer. 'What is going on?' I wondered, with Tommy around it should never be this quiet. The ground was torn up, holes far too large to be a creepers littered around. 



D R E A M   B A D 

P A I N 

The voices screamed at me, begging me to check on my little brother. I rushed through the torn land, my eyes spotting a small tattered tent. I was about to enter when a blood curdling scream tore through the air. 

"Tommy" I whispered to myself, running towards the tent. I was worried, as stone hearted as I appeared I loved my family. My harsh appearance was to protect them, I was a walking target; staying guarded was the only way to protect them.

Upon entering I was met with one of my worse fears, my little brother bleeding out on the floor. His hair was matted, looking more brunette than blonde; from dried blood or dirt I wasn't sure which. His normally red and white shirt was a deep crimson, but you could hardly call it a shirt. 

"What happened?" I muttered softly, he was out like a light. "This is all my fault" I whispered to myself. I gingerly picked him up, he was cold and light as a feather. Both of which sent shivers down my spine, when was the last time he ate? How could I let this happen, because of my pride? 

S A V E 


F O C U S 

D E A T H 

I knew the voices were right, I needed to focus on Tommy. Sometimes the voices could be helpful, they loved potato farming and my family. Blood shed was still called for, but they had a soft spot for my family. I wrapped my cloak around him as rain poured from the sky. 'perfect!' I thought with a grin, grabbing my trident. 

We were home within minutes, Tommy looking paler than ever. I quickly burst through the door, ignoring the way it slammed into the oak frame, leaving a dent. 

"PHIL!" I screamed, rushing to the couch. "Bring the first aid kit!" 

I softly laid Tommy down, carefully slipping my hands from his back. I tried my best to ignore the sticky red substance that clung to my hands. Memories of thousands of innocent lives I had taken, I felt sick. 

"Techno! Are you hurt?!" Phil asked, barreling down the stairs. Ghostbur floating behind him blabbering about Friend, they both went silent at the sight of Tommy. 

"Oh my god" Phil muttered, scrambling over to the couch. "Go wash your hands Tech, I've got this" 

I nodded silently, between seeing Tommy like this and the thought of all the crimes I had committed, I was ready for tea and bed. 

Ahhh this isn't very good.. sorry! I'm a bit rusty on writing so there is probably a lot of slip ups in grammar and all that. If you like (and actually read all this) please hit the vote button! I don't really update books when they don't get a lot of comments or votes, I'd much rather work on something you all would enjoy! 

Leave a comment if you have any prompts or requests for other chapters! Or if you have any ideas where you think this'll go next! 

Have a wonderful day/morning/evening or night and know you are loved and wonderfully made and there is someone who cares and wants to help you. Don't be afraid to reach out for help, you are so loved <3 

- Elizabeth <3 

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