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Two days later,

'Ask him one question; does he really loves you? Study his reaction, question his answers. Demand a why so you won't regret it one day. Don't let your regrets haunt you.'

The words from her sister circled in Karlie's mind for the whole morning, disturbing probably half of her works today. Literally it had caused her trouble especially in today's Sociology class.

'Miss Brandt,'

She could hear snickering and a throat clearing.

'Miss Brandt,'

The masculine voice of Mr Nemec pierced her ears, ripping her thoughts apart. She snapped, straightened her body to notice half of the class were staring at her. She swallowed in, wetting her lips and with shaky voice, she spoke, 'Ja?'

Mr Nemec was staring her sharply; so sharp she feared there'll be holes where her eyes would use to be after the class. He sighed annoyingly, and flipped his notes to the previous page.

'We were discussing on how does cohabitation prior to marriage raise the risk of marital dissolution and does this effect vary geographically.' He closed the book on the table with a loud thump and crossed his arms across his chest,

'Bitte erläutern Sie Ihre Punkte (Please explain your points.)'

As if it was planned, the whole class turned and looked at her, waiting for her answer. Fuck, she thought, what am I going to answer? She glanced on her opened books and notes; struggled to find an answer.

'Miss Brandt.'

'Ja, ja, 1 minute.' She panicked.

'We don't have time for one minute but I'll make an exception.' He muttered flatly, pulling out an hourglass and flipped it around. She watched as the colourful sand started to disappear to the bottom of the glass.

A rupture of fucks echoed in the room.

Now, Karlie wasn't the only one panicking now; the whole class are. The hourglass only means one thing; answer now or today's assignment.

Tomorrow's Saturday; nobody wants another assignment to ruin the weekend.

Karlie didn't want another assignment on her growing pile of assignments. She was already stressing out over her relationship (if it is even a relationship) with one of the raising name in Bayern Munich. Now she was stressing over not being the reason for her classmates to hate her for ruining this weekend.

Mr Nemec cleared his throat and gathered his stuffs, 'One week, class dismissed.' With that, they watched him disappeared through the main door of the hall ending the last class in Karlie's schedule.

'Damnit, Karlie.'

The same two words were repeated by her classmates and she let her head hit the book, groaning. Her phone vibrated against the wooden table and she sighed. She gathered her notes, clipping it together. She closed all the books and capped all her pens until she found the phone sitting under her file.

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L: Hey

L: Hi

L: Uhhh I'm outside of the Faculty of Law building of your university

L: Am i even in a right faculty?

Okay, what has possessed him to come and picked her up from class today?

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