Random Fact About: Aero, Inkra, and Pasaphis

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Aero's blood: black ink
Inkra's blood: white paint
Pasaphis's blood: n/a aka doesnt have any

Aero's blood (when she is killed or injured) will transform Aero into Inkra as a second life but Inkra doesn't share memories with Aero so Inkra won't remember certain people. Inkra's blood (when theyre killed only) will transform Inkra into Pasaphis as a third and final life but Pasaphis also doesn't share memories with Aero nor with Inkra so yea. Pasaphis (when theyre killed or injured) will not draw blood since they are made purely from light but that doesnt mean that they can escape death

Pasaphis's weakness is darkness or shadows so if they die, its game over. No more lives and all my ocs will disappear as soon as the last life has been spent. Pasaphis can't be killed normally like how Aero and Inkra can because normal weapons and physical things can pass through them so itll be harder to kill them. Although weapons and physical things can also pass through Inkra, just not as smoothly. Inkra, being made purely of ink, has a weakness of water because water can wash ink away after a long period of time. Its easy to kill Aero if shes unsuspecting, slow to kill Inkra, and almost impossible to kill Pasaphis.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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