Introduction & Requests

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Requests are: Closed for now. But you can request anything still, just that I won't be able to do yours yet because I'm still working on a oneshot


Y/N - Your Name

F/F - Favourite Food

L/N - Last Name

F/N - Full Name

F/C - Favourite Colour

E/C - Eye Colour

H/C - Hair Colour

I can write fluff and angst because I'm terrible at lemon and I feel weird writing it.


Fluff: 🌸

Angst: 🖤

How this will work

So firstly, you request a oneshot and I'll just write(Not exactly but type) it. Some of them will be she/her, some will be he/him and some will be they/them. Depends on your request on what Y/N is gonna be like. And yes there will also be AU's like the Fantasy AU, Quirkless AU, etc..

If you request something, you are free to choose Y/N's quirk or else I'd just choose a quirk that comes straight into my head. I'll label the the pronouns (Female: ♀️, Male: ♂️ and Non Binary: ♦️(I couldn't find anything so I just chose ♦️)). Although, most of these will be female unless a request is for Y/N to be Non Binary or Male. 

I can also do (Character) x Reader x (Character) just to let you know. I also do those oneshots where there is a song and each lyric is what they feel or something(Hope that makes sense). 


Just add your requests here.

Just a few questions for y'all because I'm bored:

Smut, angst or fluff? 

What's your fav. colour?

What's your fav. band?

What's your fav. food?

And how are you today?

Y'all I might not be able to finish it but I'm like nearly done with another oneshot, though I might not continue. Sorry ppl but I'm back at school and there's a lot of drama oof. 

My Hero Academia Oneshots [REQUESTS ARE OPEN!]Where stories live. Discover now