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Hey guys.

I'm Sebastian

I'm 17

I'm single.

Sexuality? Straighter than the stripper pole your momma danced on last night -Smirks softly-

I have a little sister.

Her name is Amelia.

Touch her or hurt her and I swear. I will kill you

I have a woif side

His name is Hunter

In the pack I'm one of the head protectors.

I keep my eye on everyone in the pack.

I'm actually very laid back.

You can call me Bastian if you want

PM me sometime? -Bastian

Okay now for his little sister to jump in -Amelia

He's actually very sweet

He has a soft side for girls he really likes

Pm him and you won't regret it!

Peace people!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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