Happy valentines day part 2

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6 days have passed and still Rin is gone.

*laying in bed curled in a ball of blankets* *sigh* where is he?.... *covers face w\blanket*
*3 hours later**sleeping*
Rin walks in, eyes looking very very tired. Walks up the stairs and into Sky's room. (Sky is sleeping)
*lokks at Sky and picks her up*
What are you doing you big moron?
(Rin) going to sleep
Mind telling me where you went?!?
(Rin)I was kidnapped, kept awake for days, escaped and came back.
That's a lie
(Rin) fine I was trying to be nice and get you something, but I couldn't... *falls onto bed w/sky fast asleep*
(Rin) *sleeping
*tries to get out of grip but fails after 10 min* I might as well get comfortable. *snuggles*

(Rin) *smiles*

Stay awesome my Creatures!!!

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