Kousei's Dream II (End)

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Kousei's POV

Days have passed. Not visiting. Thinking what will happen. No updates about her condition. Anything, anyone, no one knows what happened to her.

November is ending. Competition is coming. My rival's, Emi and Takeshi, are already done practicing their pieces. I'm here wandering in the world of sorrows. "' What are you doing visiting me in your free time, why don't you practice so that you can defeat those who come in your way.'" now those words are traveling in my ears. "Should I really practice? Isn't it a bit inconsiderate when I practice? Will they say 'Kaori is in the hospital fighting for her life and you're here practicing? How Inconsiderate!'

"Should I visit her? Check her condition? Will she be angry?" questions wandering in my mind.

"I wish this is a dream." that's what I said as I close my eyes.


1:"'Kousei! Kousei! He won't wake up.'"

2:"'Kousei! Kousei! Please Kousei wake up!*sniff* *sniff*'"

1:"'Now now don't cry. He will wake up. I promise.'"

Kousei: "Huh? What are those? Voices?" As I open my eyes two girls are watching me. One is crying and other one looks so worried.

2: "Kousei?! Kousei?!"

1: " See he woke up."

2: " *sniff* *sniff* Kou-*hic*sei!"

Kousei: "Tsubaki? Ms.Seto? What happened?"

Seto(1): " You were asleep for 1 week." Kousei: " What?! Really?!"

So that was a dream?! I stand up without hesitation. And I think it was a coincidence I was in Totsuhara Hospital. I hurriedly ran to Kaori's Room. She's there. I'm so glad. It's so refreshing to know that she is safe.

Kaori: "Welcome. I heard that you collapsed while you were practicing your piece. I'm glad you're ok now. Huh? Why are you crying?"

Kousei: "Huh? I don't know maybe I'm happy. Haha."

Kaori: "You really are weird."

Kousei: "You think so? Hey, Kaori."

Kaori: " Hmm?"

Kousei: " There's something. I want to tell you. I will tell it now maybe I don't have any time to say this."

Kaori: "Huh? Don't be dramatic. Its a little bit uncomfortable. Haha."

Kousei: " Well then, since you came into my life you changed my monotone life into a colorful one."

Kaori: " Just go straight to the point."

Kousei: " I think I love you, Miyazono Kaori."

Kaori: " >\\\<. Friend A, don't rush your first step. I'm not ready for that. I also want to say that since you became my support, my wall. Well then, I'll take your love, Arima Kousei."

As the wind blows in December and with a big smile, that's how my "winter" ends....

------------The End------------

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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