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this takes place when garcia tells the group she got a number of someone from the coffe place.

3rd persons pov
"clearly, gotta go bye" penelope says qickly "hew woah woah woah Woah. What no snappy retort? what's going on?" Derek asks concern lacing his voice
"not in the mood" she says blankly.
"Penelope?" derek asked again "uh that guy from the coffe shop asked me out and i took your advice and i blew him off" garcia exclaimed. to say derek was shocked would be an understatement "oh um well good, smart move something was definitely wrong with him" he said "wow some profiler you are. you knew how wrong he was from what little i told you" she said angrily "garcia i didn't mean-" he started to say "i wonder was it because he was to handsome or to interested in me that tipped you off on how wrong he was from what little i told you?" she said practically shouting at this point "garcia-" derek said softly "just because you would never cross a crowded room to hit on me doesn't mean that a more perceptive, less superficial guy wouldn't. Hey derek you want snappy? You suck!" she sobbed

garcia's pov:
i just sobbed,sobbed and sobbed. That's all i could do if i'm honest. I know i know i'm probably being over dramatic but the only reason i brought it up was to make him jealous. ha pathetic i know, having to make the man your in love with jealous just to get him to acknowledge you in that way. really, i kind of got my hopes up when he said he didn't want me to call him back i finally thought that the years of banter and flirting would be more than just that and it all comes crumbling down once again. maybe if i lost some weight dyed my hair a nice colour he would see me in a new light and actually be attractive enough for him. Or maybe i should just hand in my sign of resignation. I love my job i really do but i can't just sit around all day hoping he'll call to confess his love for me or come waltzing in through the day after a tough case and kiss me till i can't feel my lips.

No, i'm sick of this. Of Derek doesn't like me for me then why should i change for him? you know what, i will go out with that coffe shop guy it's about bleedin' time i moved on. i dug his card out the trash and rung his number. (you all knwo what happens lol sorry i'm to lazy to write it)

(ok i'm very lazy so this is after she's been shot and is in hospital)
"i got here as fast as i could, i-i i'm sorry i didn't answe i was in church." derek said with tears running down his face"how is baby girl doing?"
"n-not good, they can't give me an update but they said she eh lost a lot of blood and it's a bit of touch and go right now because it teared through her chest and ricocheted through to her abdomen and thankfully missed her heart by one cm" jj cried as everyone looked at her with sorrowful filled and teary eyed even rossi who has only been here a few weeks.

dereks pov:
"we need to ask you a few questions gracie" "but first how are you feeling" jj said softly "sad,stupid and in pain"garcia cried out "what do you mean baby girl" i said gently "you told me something was off about him and i wanted to so badly to think that maybe this one time some attractive man actually likes me. ha it's pathetic really because i wasn't even into him i only told you about it to" she trailed off "to what baby?" derek questioned "make you jealous" garcia mumbled almost inaudibley except for jj,emily and reid who stood smirking. "what was that ?" derek asked "uh to make you jealous" garcia said immediately lookinh away as her cheeks flushed a deep dark red. "i-i am so i love with your derek morgan that it physically pains me. your this attractive fbi agent that goes for girls who are attractive and i'm a computer geek who got a job as a tech analyst at the fbi because i got caught hacking. i fit nowhere near your standard or type because i look nothing like a model and i'm aware i basically just ruined your friendship and confessef my undying love for you infront of our friends and nurse but i can't keep going in like this." garcia says with tears streaming down my face. "aw princess, i'm so sorry this is my fault. if i had just been straight up and told you that you shouldn't go on it because i'm so so so madly and deeply in love with you and WAS jealous than you wouldn't be here in this hospital right now" "if i had just grown the balls to ask you out my self then we would have been doing this confession thing a lot sooner. and garcia don't you ever and i mean EVER talk about your self like that. you are the most beautiful, gorgeous, spontaneous colour blonde head girl ive ever met and i absolutely love you for all of that. the only reason it looks like your not my type is because i wanted someone who didn't look anything like you so i could move on. that was so stupid of me garcia because i love you i'm in love with you and i want to spend the rest of my days with you"derek exclaimed through the tears of sadness and joy. and o don't give to flying fucks if you fit today's 'beauty/model' standard because your perfection to me my sweetness. your beautiful curved in all the right places and you just get me" he says before leaning down to kiss her as if his life depended on it


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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