Part 1

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Chapter 1

As I looked out the window, i saw the sun. I wish it was always like this, but my family and I live

in Albany, New York. Albany is always overcast, and usually has rain. It was a cold winter day, and i really didn't want to get out of bed.

"Jason, come down and get your breakfast," my mother beckoned.

As always, i loved my mother,father,sister, and brother. They all played a part in my life that will be with me forever. As I went downstairs, I noticed my brother was arguing with my dad. As always, my brother was manipulative. I pondered what it would take vor my family to get along, awhile back, my parents were constantly arguing ovr finaces and money. My father was an alcoholic and changed his life for the better. When i was in the fifth grade, my father had a stroke, putting him in critical condition. He eventually healed, but it took time. He changed his life by being with family and not drinking alcohol. Now I am 14, and i attend to Millsbridge middle school, and I am in eighth grade. As i ate breakfast, i realized it was a school day. "Crap, i still have to get ready," i thought. I rushed to my room and got dressed and i ran to the garage. My father said, "ready to go? Your brother is already good to go." I got in and my father drove my brother to school, then took to me to school. I casually walk and see my close friend, Josh, in the luchroom. We sat and talked about about our lives and we agreed to meet up at lunch. As I walked away, the bell for class rang. I walked into my classroom and saw my friends, but they were busy talking with the teacher. I went through my school day and walked home safely. Overall, my day was interesting because it ended up with me kicking somebody in the hallway after he had tried to bully me all year, andvthe final straw was when he made a joke about my father. So,i kicked him where it hurts. He never said a word about it again, and never bothered me again. I went through the rest of the week and I had different experiences every day. As it came friday night, we dropped my sister off at the airport. She was flying out to Hawii for a school trip for a few weeks. My mother was crying that she would not see jer daughter for almost a month. I woke up Saturdaynmorning, ready to go. I did all my homework on saturday and i went to sleep. I woke up at three in the morning to the sound of a gunshot in my house. "What is happening? Why am i hearing this? It is probably just a nightmare." Only if it was....

I was scared. The my family was in danger, and then, I heard footsteps. I heard the mysterious foorsteps grow closer to my room. I had a bowie knife in my bookshelf hidden. I unsheathed it and waited by the door. As he walked in, i noticed his features. He had stubble and brown hair. He wore a black shirt and cargo pants. He had a gun in his hand and i charged at him. He shot. Miss. I stabbed him in she chest and watched the horrified look in his eyes dim. He jsust died. I really didn't care for him.... i had a family to check on. All of them. Dead. He shot my brother and stabbed my parents. "My life is over." A thought came to me; my sister was still alive. How will tell her our whole family has been murdered? An uncanny thought came to me, i don't tell her. I will write a letter to her and explain everything. I called 911 and saw as they carried they corpses of my family out. Why would this person even do this? Who murders a whole family and for what reason? I felt heavily depressed. The cpurt rlued that i stabbed in self-defense. The man happened to be a serial killer released from prison recently. I recieved my knife back and sheathed it for the last time for the next two years. I convinced the judge i could live alone, and my sister could check on me weekly. I went to school that week and got sympathy, but felt it was too much. I loved how my circle of friends talked it out with me. Others stared at me in disgust and hatred, for i stabbed a man to death. No matter the situation, you can't avoid i was a murderer, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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