Sugawara Koushi

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What is life? Why is it so important to people? Why do people spend their lives wanting a good life? What is the point? What's the point in living a pointless life Where no one cares. No one sees my tears. No one hears my cries, screams. Why was I born? Why am I living this life the life where I bare no emotions? A life where people sees me as an empty shell. Where people see me..but not the real me. Why don't my parents want me to be happy? Why am I here? Oh that's why. Because of him. Because of the boy that finally smiled at me, the boy that asked me how I feel, the boy that asked if I'm alright, the boy that saw me breaking inside, the boy that wore a fake smile, the boy that helped me cry, the boy that helped me smile, and the boy who helped

and his name is Sugawara Koushi.

head canonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora