ohh noo

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Knock knock* (tuck) hey you must be are new nanny (y) umm no my mom's car broke down and we need to use the phone (tuck) well umm the new nanny  is here and she has a cute kid I started to blush (baily) umm can we use the phone we walked in and bamm thunder ⚡ then this girl jumped in on my arms I sat down (y) I'm kind of scared can you come and comfort me (baily ) well in that case she jumped up and I sat down with her (y) aww it's okay (baily) is there any phone cellphone zilophone anything(tuck) with the storm the phone aren't working (baily) can this day get any worse ( bea) umm how are you this blonde girl comes in with this girl (baily) you must be another brother (bea) no I'm the father of these kids and um what are you doing in are  house  then cassidy came down stairs how is this (tuck) are new nanny ( baily) I'm not a babysitter (bea) so then why are you in my house (baily well it all star (y) well it all

started a couple days ago me my mom and dad where playing for the big top singing competition we thought we where good but he didn't think the same way (boone) we need to talk (b) ohh what is it (boone) this band isn't doing good we have been doing this for 9 years we aren't cutting it (b) so what are we going to do boone takes and sip of his drink and points to baily your out and points to a girl and she is in (boone) but I still love (b) hahha you are stupid it all of me our none of me *end of flash back*

Tuck) and what about you y/n (y) well I'm with mom always so she goes I go booom sirings (boone) go down in the basement (y) I know you don't know me well but... I'm going down in the basement (s) umm guys hello open up OPEN UP (boone) ohh sorry

                          *  To be continued*

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