Beauty and Freedom

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A few weeks have passed with no progress or whatsoever on our current mission as we continuously wandered the earth in hopes to find our target. At the very moment, we were riding on Deidara's clay bird, relocating again. It was dawn, the sun revealed its first rays in pretty colors on the horizon. The view was incredible.

I stretched out my arm as if I was attempting to catch the sun rays with my hands like a child.


Deidara turned to me with a peaceful look on his face. He took his place next to me, admiring the sunrise as well.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"


His hair lightly swayed with the wind, soft colors illuminating his face and hair. He was gorgeous. I smiled to myself before returning my gaze at the sunrise.

We both stood there in a comfortable silence, marvelling at the daybreak. Deidara must witness this sight quite often since he could fly on this bird whenever he wanted to. He was surely lucky.

"There is the sulfur stone temple I was hiding in for some time before the Akatsuki found me, hm..." He pointed somewhere below us. I squinted my eyes although I couldn't make much of it.

"Hm? Why are you squinting?"

Shoot, he noticed.

"You can't see?" He asked again.

"Well, I can..." I tried to convince him, although my efforts were rather weak.

He held up two fingers.

"How many fingers am I holding?"

"Two." I grumbled. "Come on, it's not that bad."

"But you'll need glasses, hm."

"Glasses? I don't think I need those."

"Then how will you help me find the the three tails? Are you making me do the job by myself?"

"I'm keeping my ears open. I've got good hearing, you know?"

He crossed his arms and scrutinized me, making me gulp.

"We're going to buy you glasses, hm." He announced bluntly.

"What? We can't do that! What about our funds?"

"This is for medical reasons so it's fine. You're lucky to be partnered with me since I am so much more generous than Kakuzu, hm."

I cannot agree with this; I just can't wear glasses for various reasons. My ego wouldn't allow it.

"But it's not necessary! I've survived this long with a crappy vision, I should be fine."

He returned to me with a fierce glare.

"How are you gonna spot our enemies, hm? How are we gonna complete our missions with you running around half-blind? And most importantly, how are you going to appreciate my art when it's not crystal clear, hmm?" He grabbed me by the shoulders.

He said 'most importantly' but for some reason I had a feeling it was the only thing he was really concerned about.

"I can see it well enough... "

"But you need to see clearly the exact moment the object bursts, the moment it loses its shape to become something sublime in a single flash, you need to pay attention to every little detail to that very moment, you need to see everything in a clear vision, hm! " He violently shook me.

"Okay, okay!" I yelled, feeling a little dizzy from all the shaking.

"Let's go then, hm!" He immediately had his bird fly towards a new direction.

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