Finding Problems

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During Breakfast

Harry P.O.V

Draco and I both went down to get breakfast while Blaize and Pansy finished getting ready. "Is there anyone else in Hogwarts like us?" Draco asked. "No." I said. "Oh, I thought that-" I cut him off by covering his mouth when I heard Pansy walking over. I took my hand off his face as quickly as I put it on. I gave him the 'Don't say anything' look.// He seemed to get it and just acted as normal as he could. "Hey guys. What up? You both seem happy." Blaise says sitting down across from Draco. "Yea, you seem pretty happy. What's up?" Pansy said while walking over between me and Draco. "Nothing. We're just happy." Draco says calmly. Out of nowhere Pansy pats Draco's head and I straight up growled at her. She looked at me, taking her hand off MY dragon which seemed to calm me a bit. "Potter, what the? Why'd you growl at me?" she said super confused. "I don't know. It just happened. You put your hand on my dragon and I growled." I said like it was obvious. "Your dragon? Do you mean Draco? When was he Dragon?" she asked, looking deeply at me. "Griffin, calm down. All is fine she won't hurt me and she won't take me away." Draco said grabbing my arm. All of a sudden I feel like I was dizzy. I sat down looking at the floor. "Wha? Why did I react so weirdly?" I mumble loud enough for the others to hear. "I don't know, Harry. Maybe we should go to the library now instead of later. We might find answers there." Dragon said standing up. "Ok. See you later guys." I say over my shoulder while walking with my dragon. We walk to the Slytherin dorms and grab my cloke from my trunk. When we get to the library we put on the cloke and go to the restricted books. I lead us to the books about us and pull off the cloke. "Here we are Dragon." I whisper while folding the cloke. "Ok, we should start searching. You look over there and I will look over there." he said pointing in different directions. We split up and about 2 ½ hours later I found something. I went to Draco and showed him the passage. It read, 'Partial people as we call them have a type of soulmate. This person can meet them at any time and they may never know who that person is. Unlike soulmates, mates don't have any marks to identify who that person is. It's very rare, but at times 2 partials can be mates. The best way to figure out who's mates is if : 1 they only will follow that person. 2 They become protective of that person. 3 they will always want to be near that person. Note these are for partial and person mates. We know very little about partial mates but these are what we do know: 1 One will always be more protective over the other, usually they may both be protective of each other. 2 They always will both feel scared if without each other. This only activates when they are more than 10 ft from them or out of sight. 3 Sometimes but not always may one mate be more submissive than the other. Usually this happens to male mates.'

Draco P.O.V

I couldn't believe what I had read. It was too shocking for me to comprehend. When I finally could think straight again I looked at Harry and we made eye contact. I had no idea why, but out of nowhere I felt the urge to snuggle up next to him. I was so.....scared not being able to have him curled up with me. From the look on his face he was experiencing the same problem so I did the most logical thing. I stood up and hugged him. He softened at my touch just leaning into my chest as if afraid I would pull away from him. Of course I didn't because I was too happy to hug him. "Dragon, what does this mean? Do you think we're mates? I don't understand any of this." he started asking before almost having a breakdown. "My sweet Griffin,it's alright. I don't understand either, but we'll figure it out together." I say, hugging him tighter and rubbing his back. "Maybe Madam Pomfrey can help us. Let's go see." I whisper in his ear slowly standing up from my semi painful crouch position. Harry stands up from his seat wiping tears from his eyes with his sleeve. "What's wrong Griffin?" I ask, wiping his cheek from a stray tear.''Nothin. Just shocked." he mumbles back.

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