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Y/N was lying on the road with no strength in his legs. He wasn't able to move or breathe properly.
Y/N: How did it come down to this?


Y/N is a 15 year old kid who was a really normal person. He wouldn't get bad marks but he wouldn't get good marks either. He wasn't bad or good at sports either, He used to work out but not as to get a six-pack or good muscles. The only thing he had going on for him was his good looks, but he didn't have a girlfriend or a crush. No one used to fawn over him. The particular reason for that was he never really used to try his best at anything. When people talked to him it would be a very normal conversation. There was no romance talk or any dirty talk. 

Y/N was an orphan from birth, he never really had a best friend and never experienced  parental love or love from the opposite sex. 

Today, he had made up his mind. He would do something that is not normal. He would do something completely different and abnormal.

He achieved that.. but in an unexpected way. That was the day he was no longer normal.


I left my house locking the door behind me. It was 8:00 p.m. I decided that I would get a tattoo and not just any tattoo. I would design that tattoo to be the version of me that is advanced in everything. Academics, sports, strategies and physical prowess. I was walking on the road and recognised a dog who I would often see when I left the house for errands. He kept walking along the streets and noticed something odd. The clouds were rumbling, which made no sense as it was the middle of the summer. besides, there were no signs of raining that and the weather forecast confirmed that.

I was at a zebra crossing. The rumbling was getting louder and louder.
A lightning strike landed before the spot I was standing in almost like it was waiting for me to move. I was so terrified of the sound I toppled over my legs and fell down.

Y/N: (Holy shit!! I almost died!) 

I saw light flashing on the left side of my hand, as soon as I turned around I saw a truck that showed no sign of stopping. it was really close to crushing me so I screamed my lungs out for the truck to stop but to no avail it crushed my legs and hands and I screamed so loud it would've been enough noise to shake the water in a toilet. 

Flashback end

Y/N: Truck-kun sure has its way to make one's life miserable.. you know I always wondered how people could just die and loose consciousness. Shouldn't the pain keep you from passing out. But I think I understand now. It's like trying to keep from falling asleep thinking that oh it wouldn't hurt to just close my eyes a bit right? but the next thing you know is that you are waking back up and realised that you couldn't keep your eyes open.

This sucks, I really wanted to get a strange tattoo. I just hope that I don't lead as much of a disappointing life as this when I am reborn.

Before passing away, I thought of rubber. It just seemed to bounce back up without even trying. It was very flexible to the point where you can't tell its limit. Then I blacked out.

Third Person POV

And as things go, you all probably know where I am going with this.. 

Y/N wakes up only seeing pure white light.

Y/N: (Am I dead? no no no, This is bad, I didn't delete my browsing history!)

god: Hello little one. How was your experience of dying? 

Y/N: uhh.. who are you?

god: Silly boy! you dare not know of the great entity who is giving you a second chance at life!


god: Oh shit! well.. there goes the surprise.

Y/N:  Seriously! Thank you so much. But wait.. isn't it natural to be reborn?

god: No, it isn't.. wait, now that I think about it. Uhh well you're gonna be reincarnated. Yeah that's it no that's not what I should call it. Hmm I am sending you to another world. The world of My hero academia to be precise.

Y/N: Isn't that a cartoon?


Y/N: (low key terrified) Oh uh I'm sorry?

god: Anyways, I decided that this would be the best the best world for you since you were bored with your normal life.

Y/N: (hmm, well its not like anyone will miss me in my old world and I only know the basics of My Hero Academia. So 80% of the people have quirks and Izuku Midoriya has the quirk one for all in passed down to him by all might. Then that just leaves one question)

Y/N: What's my quirk?

god: oh that? I really didn't think about that. hmm, how about that you're body is rubber? Meaning you can't feel pain and you can stretch you body at your will.

Y/N: Woah that's actually a good quirk. I'll take it.

god: well then I'll leave you 10 months prior to the UA exam. from that time you'll have to practice your quirk. Make sure to perfect your quirk. It's gonna be difficult.

Y/N: Wait.. why would it be difficult?

god: Sayonara.

Y/N is engulfed in darkness and blacks out. He wakes up in an unfamiliar bed surprised by how cozy it is. 


I woke up and started to look around I was in a house and not in an apartment. it was looked really good and I had decent furniture. I found a gaming Pc on a desk and some chips beside my bed. I also had a mini fridge in my room loaded with energy drinks and soda.

Long story short, I had a master bedroom a guest room and 2 bathrooms including the one in the master bedroom. Downstairs was nothing major just a normal living room with nice sofa's and a 40 inch TV screen. On the other hand I saw a gym with 2 dumbbells, a yoga mat and a tread mill. My pocket started vibrating and I reached down to and felt a phone in my hand. I brought it out to see a message. 

"Welcome to the world of My hero Academia."

Author's note:

Hey guys. Did you like the prologue? if I can improve somewhere please let me know. :D

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