The Presence Cognitive Evolution

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Universal message

August 18, 2020

Filandia - Quindio

Daniel Cortes Valencia




That night

Gifts and Talents

The University of Life


Lights Network

True Love



Angels and demons


Mary Magdalene

Heaven and hell

Vices and Pleasures from the Earth

Question not answered.


I intend...


"... and they will look for places to hide, but none of them will be enough.

These will be a difficult time for everyone; for the rich and

poor, for the old man and the child ... but for you,

it will be much more difficult. "

December, 2018.


Due to the great importance of this event in my life, I decided to put it within reach of the people who really wish to know it. The intention is and will be, solely, to communicate about an experience that took place in my life, under certain circumstances and that leaves a great quantity of knowledge regarding many aspects of interest for any human being. I am saying that I want to bring to the people this knowledge that was revealed to me in a strange event that happened in the month of December 2018. Also I am saying that, with this, I do not have a pretension different to serve as a communication channel. In the same way, the one who has faith in the words which are exposed here, only must begin to take actions according to the messages that will be revealed here and they would be interpreted correctly only by those people who are prepared to do it. If people understand correctly this information, they will also understand each situation of the life and get our consciousness aware to be able to act in the correct way in each situation. This story will make notice a change in the way of seeing the world in people who have access to this knowledge and I hope, from the deepest of my heart, that this change can lead everyone to find the desires of their hearts.

I will try to be very clear and concise with the words consigned here; by means of this text, I will try to express things that, I can assure that I did not know how to explain to myself during many nights, but the continuous memories about this event whenever I try to tell the story, has taken the necessity to look for more adjectives, synonymous and other linguistic resources in order to try to explain, every time a little better all the sensations and emotions that I could experience that night, which will always be difficult to explain with words for any person who has had the honor to experience it... because I am sure that I have not been the only one, nor I will.

In the same way, I would like to express at first that every time I was about to write this story, I completely opened my heart for God to build letter by letter, one of the tools that He by Himself used to transmit His Truth to those who really want to recognize it. I can say for real that the event which I am going to tell you, changed my whole life letter by letter... I have put my capacities to the service of God, since the day in which He saved me from death in an incredible and wonderful act; but, additionally, He wanted to transmit through my body, messages full of truth that I tried to shape and to polish during many nights in my room, by means of one of the faculties that was revealed to me that night and that I did not even know I had. For this reason, I consider necessary to write a little bit about what I had been done with my life until that night...

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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