Ch. 1 Romanticism

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Chapter one

Maya adjusted the strap on her shoulder as Heyder held the baby in his hand and waited for her by the portal. She felt Gemma squeeze her hand and press a warm kiss to her forehead before letting out a deep sigh.

"I still think this is a dumb idea," Exton complained from where he stood, sulking.

"Yeah, you think everything is dumb," Heyder muttered, fixing the blanket around Hayden's head. "Maya, are you ready?"

"That's our first grand baby," Exton said. "And you're taking him away to live in the middle of the woods."

"I'm taking him home," Heyder rolled his eyes. "And this is my son."

"He's still so little," Gemma jumped in. "Are you sure you two can handle him on your own? I would feel better if you had someone with you."

"He's a baby," Heyder snorted. "Not an atomic bomb. We can handle a baby."

"We'll be fine," Maya assured her mother. "I want to get settled into the new house."

"I understand, but think of Hayden," Gemma frowned. "Wouldn't he like it better if he grew up here?"

"No," Heyder answered for Maya.

Maya's eyes darted between her parents and her husband as the portal shimmered in the air. She didn't know which side she wanted to lean towards more. Of course, she wanted all the help with the baby. But at the same time, she was dying to be out of the palace and start her life with the jinn she was head over heels in love with.

"Maya," Heyder called to her once more. "Let's go."

"You two can stop by anytime," Maya looked at her parents as she took a step towards the portal. "The door is always open."

"Damn, not always," Heyder said. "Like once a week or something. We're not a church."

"You two can just open a portal and drop in," Maya ignored the jinn.

"But call first," Heyder bounced Hayden in his arms as the baby began to fuss. "I think it's time for him to feed again."

"I love you," Maya kissed her mother's cheeks before running over to her father. "Tell Adeline she can come by anytime to talk about the house."

"I will," Exton sighed. "Stay safe."

"You too," Maya smiled before kissing his cheeks and heading over to where her husband stood with their newborn.

Heyder held out a hand for Maya as she stepped up beside him. His eyes took on a never before seen shine as he realized he was about to bring his wife and son home.

It was all very new to him. The jinn felt an exhilarating thrill run down his spine. He couldn't describe the wonderful feeling of having everything he ever wanted in life be right beside him and in his arms. Carefully, Heyder lifted Hayden closer and pressed a kiss on the baby's forehead.

The house was as quiet as a mouse. The trees stood tall and silent as the woodland creatures watched from their hidden spots. Maya took in a big breath and looked over to Heyder.

The Jinn stared at the house with a small smile on his lips. He took a step forward and flicked his fingers as the door unlocked and swung open.

"Stay here," he said to Maya as he stepped inside.

"What? Why?" Maya asked in confusion.

"Because I said so," Heyder rolled his eyes.

He half expected Maya to not listen and waltz into the house. But when she stopped at the front steps with a confused frown on her lips, Heyder rushed inside with the baby and laid him down on the white bassinet he had picked out a few days ago.

Maya watched from the outside as Heyder tucked Hayden in and turned around to face her. She raised a brow as he slowly walked over to the door and grinned. She raised a brow wondering what he was up to.

"What?" She asked in confusion.

"I want to carry you over the threshold," Heyder shrugged.

"I've already been inside the house," Maya reminded him.

"I'm trying to be romantic and you're being an asshole."

"I'm not being an asshole!" Maya protested. "And we said we weren't going to use inappropriate language in front of the baby."

"He doesn't understand what the hell is going on around him," Heyder looked over his shoulder at the bassinet. "At least I think he doesn't...."

"If you don't practice now you will never break out of your habit."

"Can you yell at me after our romantic scene?"

"I'm not yelling at you!" Maya raised her voice. "You can't expect me to be romantic right after you just called me an asshole."

"You're so goddamn loud," Heyder complained as he stepped out of the house. "Come here!"

"No, fuck you."

"That's what I'm hoping for," Heyder laughed as he grabbed Maya's elbow and pulled her forward. She tried to put up a struggle but didn't succeed as the jinn swung her up into his arms and pulled her to his chest.

"Maya," Heyder looked down at her with his eyes serious and his tone hard. "Stop moving."

The girl muttered under her breath about her husband being a prick as he carried her forward. Heyder didn't reply to her insults as he took the first step into the house with his wife in his arms. He leaned down and pressed a small kiss on her forehead before she leaned up and pulled his mouth down to her lips.

Heyder chuckled as he sat Maya down on her feet and kissed her back. His hands rose as he cupped her face and poured his heart out to her. They had truly made it through all odds.

"I love you," Maya whispered against his lips. "More than you'll ever know."

"Can you show me the love with a sandwich?"

"What?" Maya leaned back to look at the jinn.

Heyder laughed as he placed another small kiss on her lips before playfully smacking her behind, "Go make me a sandwich, woman."

"I'm a witch," Maya raised a brow. "I can turn you into a sandwich."

"Fine," Heyder rolled his eyes. "I'll make myself a sandwich."

"And one for me too, please."

"I can turn you into a san-"

"I have to feed the baby," Maya began to put her hair up into a high bun. "I can't breastfeed on an empty stomach."

Heyder shut his mouth, "What would you like? Soup and grilled cheese?"

"Mmmm," Maya nodded. "Yes, please."

"Make the bread extra toasty?"


"Light on the cheese?"

"Just the way I like it," Maya laughed as she walked over to the bassinet and lifted Heyden out.

Heyder was about to turn on his heels and head to the kitchen when he suddenly heard Maya gasp. His feet stopped on the hardwood floor as he turned just in time to see Maya dropped to the floor with the baby in her arms.

"Maya!" Heyder flashed forward as he caught Hayden before the little thing hit the floor.

Panicked and cursing up a storm, Heyder looked down at Maya's face to find her unconscious and Hayden barely breathing.  

This might be a mini book or a full on book....I don't know yet :) 

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