Chapter 1

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The Following is a fan-based fanfiction. unOrdinary is owned by Uru-chan. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Super, and Dragon Ball GT are all owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama. Please support the official releases.

Sorry if this is bad.


Rei wasn't feeling so good right now.

Standing on the ground panting, Rei saw his attacker coming closer to him. This is bad... he thought to himself. Heels clicking on the ground were coming closer to him. He lifted his head and gazed upon the mysterious blonde-haired woman who wore a buckled black trench coat, a wide-brimmed black hat over her top-bunned hair, knee-high black heeled boots, a mask up to her nose, and diamond earrings.

"This is the end, X-Static. Give up." The woman asked while her hand lit up in flames and her nails sharpened.

He scowled. So this is how it is...

EMBER. The ones who've been killing off the vigilantes recently. Rei tried to stand up again, but he fell to his knees again. His body hurt too much. They were just too strong for him.

...sorry, little marshmallow. I don't think big brother is coming home.

The women charged towards Rei with the intent to kill. Rei closed his eyes and accepted his fate.

"Banshee Blast!"

Rei's eyes widened when he heard someone shout. A second later, he heard an explosion in front of him. He covered his face to block off the incoming debris and the bright light.

The woman who was about to kill him jumped back and also blocked her face from the explosion.

"Hello? I heard a commotion nearby. What's going on?" A new voice cut in, causing all heads to turn to the source. Flying above them was a man who appeared to be an adult. He had black hair and, was he wearing some kind of fighting gi or something? "You know, I was having a great nap just a couple of minutes ago until someone woke me up. So, anyone mind telling me what's going on?"

Rei and the women stared at the man levitating toward the ground before Rei was brought out of his stupor. "Run! Runaway from here! These guys are from EMBER! They're the ones hunting down the vigilantes lately!" Rei shouted to the new arrival. He didn't want anyone getting hurt from his battle. "These guys will kill you! They're way too strong!"

Vegito stared at Rei before turning his gaze over to the woman, who stared back at the man. "Are you in league with X-Static?"

Vegito scratched his head as if thinking. "I wasn't. But after hearing the situation, I think I am now."

"Then you must die too." The women's nails sharpened as it lit up on fire. "Surrender, and I'll make it as painless as possible."

A poker face adjourned Vegito's face as he stared at the woman. "Look, women. I'll be the one giving you the options here. Surrender now or prepare to fight."

The women just charged at Vegito. Vegito just stared before dodging a strike. The women lashed out again and again, but Vegito kept dodging. He had his arms on his hips as he kept dodging. Eventually, the woman started to get agitated with him dodging her attacks. "Quit dodging! Stand still!"

"Uh, er, how about no?" Vegito stated plainly. Honestly, this was starting to get boring. "Come on, women. I'm barely breaking a sweat here."

The woman was pissed now. No one makes a mockery of her! She jumped towards Vegito and had her arm retracted back. Vegito had his arms crossed and waited for the attack. At the last second, Vegito dodged her attack and kneed her.

The woman jumped back as she doubled over in pain. What the hell! How did he do that! In one hit, he was able to cause so much pain to her.

Rei was also in the same state of mind. How did he do that? He had a lot of trouble trying to land a single hit on her, yet this man standing here was able to do it so easily! It begged the question. How strong was he?

Vegito walked up to the women kneeling. He stared down at her with his arms still crossed. "Listen, I'd hate to hurt a lady too much. I'll make it quick."

Vegito did a quick sidekick and knocked her to the wall. The women's eyes widened as she coughed up blood. Cracks formed on the wall and spread everywhere the moment she made contact. Before unconsciousness overtook her, she had one question in mind.

Who is he?

The women fell face-first on the ground. Vegito faced Rei, who seemed to be in shock right now. "Are you okay?"

Rei was brought out of his thoughts. He shook his head before answering. "Yes, I'll be fine. But, I might need a hand here. If you don't mind."

Rei was still too injured to move. "Sure. But, I have a couple of questions I need you to answer for me."

Vegito walked up to Rei to help him. But suddenly. A smoke bomb fell from somewhere and covered the entire area.

"What the hell?"

Vegito covered his face from the smoke. The smoke cleared up to reveal the women gone. Rei stared at the spot she was at before gritting his teeth and balling his fist. "Damnit! She got away!"

Vegito turned back to Rei. "Hey, it's fine."

"No! You don't understand! She was a part of EMBER! We could've gotten some information out of her!" Rei shouted. EMBER was a big problem. They could've gotten some important information out of her!

Vegito placed a hand on his shoulder. "Listen, she got away, yes. But hey, you're still here. If I hadn't interfered you probably would've died or something."

Rei stared at Vegito before sighing. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry, it's just... I don't think anyone had EMBER on the ropes like that before. Anyone who came in contact with them never made it out alive."

Vegito pulled Rei's arm over his shoulder and started walking out of the alleyway. "Hey, I don't think I ever got your name. The name's Vegito."

Rei looked over to Vegito and smiled. "The name's Rei. I haven't said this yet. But, thank you for saving me. I don't know what could've happened if you didn't show up."

Vegito laughed it off. "It's fine. I was just in the area."


How did you like it so far? Hope you enjoyed :D

Hopefully I didn't make any errors or mistakes in this chapter. If I did somehow make any mistakes or errors I'm sorry. ( ._.)

Does any of this make sense btw? Are the characters in character? Probably not. But like, whatever. ¯\_( ͜ʖ )_/¯

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