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hello the people of planet earth! I have returned with another stupid chapter, hope you enjoy.

26. call him at midnight and tell him Mikoto's dead, consistently.

27. tell him you thought he was cool until you realized he is a guy.

28. ship him with other characters, yaoi pairing.

29. ask him how does he flirt.

30. then say you mean how does he flirt with guys.

31. tell him Alois Trancy is more manlier than him.

32. ask him if he is gay for Mikoto.

33. tell him skateboarding is for kids.

34. challenge him to a skateboard match and don't show up.

35. insult Mikoto in front of him.

36. lock him in a room with Kise Ryouta.

37. keep asking him if he has a girlfriend.

38. call him cute.

39. make him cook.

40. start telling horror stories.

41. then ask him if he believes in ghosts.

42. or is afraid of them.

43. tell him that he is skinny.

44. make him eat more.

45. ask him if he and Takane are long lost siblings.

46. tell him he can get taller by...MAGIC! and magic is not real.

47. ask him if he takes his tsundere classes from Vegeta.

48. introduce him to others as the 'sassy gay member' of Homra.

49. introduce him to Murasakibara.

50. gift him a t-shirt with the saying 'short is justice'.


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