Lucent desire (Selene's desire to Endymion)

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She can't resist to still her globe

Right upon Endymion's chamber in the cave,

Through its hole her light escapes

It can't be helped if he is silvered by her praise.

Her sight is pinned to those bulking shoulder blades

And strong neck which bear a handsome face,

Lips amorous as ripe tomatoes,

Cheeks painted with life at the peak,

Those vigorous eyes which holds a spell

Enchants warmth in her otherwise cold heart.

Those brawny arms echoed his might,

She's its witness as he killed those hordes of fox

Sneaking at his sleeping sheep

The other night when she is in her waxing state.

The bulging chest, the sculpted abs,

And the sinews in his thighs

Makes her think if he's a statue

Sculp'd by Phidias living in disguise,

But he is indeed a living art which excites

humanity and female deities.

Though they're heaven and earth apart

There's still a way which they can mate

He must just not forget to sleep naked

It's the only way she can embrace him

When, in his quiescent grace at night

Her desire is spilled in lucent lights

For only in dreams they can make love.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2016 ⏰

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