Gryffindors Are Strange

126 4 10

26th August 1993

Everyone is online

Benjamin Evans: HELLOOOOOO
Hermione Granger: Hello Ben
George Weasley: HIYA BEN
Fred Weasley: HIYA BEN
Harry Potter: Hey!
Ginny Weasley: Is there something you need Ben?
Benjamin Evans: Yeah, actually... I want to introduce you all to my little friend - Ivy Summers - she's in Harry's year. She'll be joining at the start of the year.

Benjamin Evans added Ivy Summers to the chat

Ivy Summers: Hello...
Harry Potter: Hey, I'm Harry Potter
Ron Weasley: Ron Weasley!

Benjamin Evans change their name to Benji
Benji changed everyone's names

ThE cHoSeN oNe: Why?!
Benji: Why not cousin?
ThE cHoSeN oNe: F*ck you
Little Satsuma: Tf?
Gred: Nice
Forge: Nice
Knock On Wood: I hate you Ben
Benji: Love you too
Knock On Wood: B*tch
TNT: Haha 😂
Tank Engine: Why?!
Benji: (This is an actual link ;))
Tank Engine: F*ck u
TNT: 💀
Lovesick Puppy: Anyone taking Divination this year?
ThE cHoSeN oNe: Yeah
Little Satsuma: Yup
Bookworm: Yeah, I'm not sure if it's any good though
Patil No. 1: Of course!
TNT: Yes, but I wish I picked Arithmancy or something instead since I can't be bothered with that
Tank Engine: Same......
Benji: It is possible to change!
TNT: Really?!
Benji: As long as it's done within the first two weeks, they don't have a problem with it
Tank Engine: Thanks!
Benji: Np and also, I'M SO GAYY!!!
Bookworm: We know Ben
Benji: Good
Summertime Sadness: 1. I hate this nickname Benji. 2. Ariana Grande
Bookworm: I know right!
Mimbulus Mimbletonia: Who?
Summertime Sadness: A Muggle musician, she's amazing
Bookworm: I don't wanna keep you up, but show me, can you keep it up?
Forge: Wot?
Gred: Wot?
Commentator: Wot?
Summertime Sadness: Cause then I'll have to keep you up, sh*t, maybe I'ma keep you up, boy
Angel Chaser: I've been drinkin' coffee
Spin-On-It: (I've been drinkin' coffee; coffee)
Sweetheart Lovegood: And I've been eatin' healthy
CCChang: (I've been eatin' healthy; healthy)
Yer A Bell, Katie: You know I keep it squeaky, yeah
Dray The Dragon: Tf?
Blazing Zabini: I think we should just wait it out Draco
Dray The Dragon: Fine
Weasel Queen: (You know I keep it squeaky)

Bill Weasley has joined the chat
Charlie Weasley has joined the chat
Nymphadora Tonks has joined the chat
Nymphadora Tonks changed their name to Tonks

Little Satsuma: How tf did you three get here? We made this chat like a month ago?
Tonks: Hacks
Charlie Weasley: ^
Bill Weasley: ^
Angel Chaser: Savin' up my energy
Sweetheart Lovegood: (Yeah, yeah, savin' up my energy)
CCChang: Can you stay up all night?
Benji: F*ck me till the daylight
Bookworm: Thirty four, thirty five (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Weasel Queen: Can you stay up all night? (All night)
ThE cHoSeN oNe: F*ck me till the daylight
TNT: Damn everyone - especially Ben and Harry ;)
Tank Engine: Dead ^^^^
Spin-On-It: Thirty four, thirty five (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Tonks: That's such a good song!!
Charlie Weasley: Wait, who's who? I'm confused
Benji: It's Ben
Charlie Weasley: I know you Benji
Benji: Yeah, we went to school together for 2 years mate
Gred: George
Forge: Fred
Bookworm: Hermione Granger
Bill Weasley: Ron's friend
Bookworm: Yep
ThE cHoSeN oNe: Harry Potter
Dray The Dragon: Draco Malfoy
TNT: Seamus Finnigan
Summertime Sadness: Ivy Summers
Spin-On-It: Alicia Spinnet
Angel Chaser: Angelina Johnson
Yer A Bell, Katie: Katie Bell
Commentator: Lee Jordan
Lovesick Puppy: Lavender Brown
Patil No. 1: Pavarti Patil
Patil No. 2: Padma Patil
Tank Engine: Dean Thomas
Mimble Mimbletonia: Neville Longbottom
Sweetheart Lovegood: Luna Lovegood
Tonks: I'm Nymhadora Tonks, but call me Torgeuirghunedf
Bookworm: Is she okay?
Charlie Weasley: She's fine, she tripped over her own feet
Bill Weasley: How do you know?
Tonks: We're on ft - since someone's in Romania and all - and yeah, like I was saying - call me Tonks
Dray The Dragon: Hello cousin Tonks
Pug-Face: Cousin?! And wtf is my name and who chose it?
Dray The Dragon: Yeah, Tonks is my cousin, our mothers are sisters and idk who chose your name
Benji: Draco is like my second cousin or something isn't he?
Dray The Dragon: I'll ask Mother
Gred: This is confusing
Forge: Agreed
Dray The Dragon: Mother said, you're like my second cousin once removed, I believe, cause your mother is my first cousin once removed
Benji: Thought so, that's what Mum, Dad and Rem were saying
Little Satsuma: Rem?
Benji: Remus Lupin - my godfather
Weasel Queen: Oh, okay
Knock On Wood: Anyone have any idea who'll be the D.A.D.A teacher this year?
Benji: Yeah, but I'm not allowed to tell anyone
Percy: That sucks, we need a good teacher this year, it's N.E.W.T year this year
Gred: And sadly, O.W.L year for us...
Forge: Sad boi hours
Benji: Ikr
Bookworm: Reminder for every Gryffindor - WE'RE WINNING THE QUIDDITCH CUP THIS YEAR!!!!
Pug-Face: No, Slytherin will - and once again - who chose my name?!
Benji: I did - it suits you
Pug-Face: No it doesn't
Tank Engine: Hey boys in my dorm - we're still having our mini party every Friday right?
TNT: Of course!
Mimble Mimbletonia: Yep!
Little Satsuma: Hell yes!
ThE cHoSeN oNe: Yep! We need new movies though!
TNT: Yeah, we can't keep watching the same movies every week
Little Satsuma: ^
Tank Engine: I've got some new ones over the summer specifically for these Fridays
Summertime Sadness: Wait, what?
Little Satsuma: Every Friday, the Gryffindor boys of our year get together in our dorm and just binge on movies and snacks!
Benji: Can I join?! I'll bring snacks and even more movies - including franchises/series, meaning we'll have a lot to watch!
Mimble Mimbletonia: Uh, sure!
ThE cHoSeN oNe: In fact, all the Gryffindor boys on this chat are welcome!
Tank Engine: What kind of movies do you have Ben? I'll tell a few of mine too!
Benji: I've finally got Grease! The Star Wars franchise (up to how much of it they've released), Jurassic Park, some Disney movies and more!
Tank Engine: Sick! I've got: Mrs Doubtfire, Teen Wolf (the movie, not series - although I want to watch the series) and some Disney movies!
Bookworm: I'm sure if a few of us put our smarts together, we could something to work that we could watch Muggle TV shows on - I mean, we figured out how to get Muggle technology to work so why can't we do that?!
Sweetheart Lovegood: I like this way of thinking Hermione!
Bookworm: Thank you!
Pug-Face: I'm going! Gryffindors are strange people...

Date Posted: 27th March

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! More will be coming, but my other stories will be higher on my list of priorities as they're more popular! I'll post a chapter for you to see everyone on the chat and their names!

Don't forget to comment and vote! Stay safe, wear a mask, take care of yourself and I'll see you later!

~ idkwhat2usehere

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