Sally Danish

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CopyRight @2015. Please Enjoy! (I do not own the cover picture)

This is an interactive story where you can speak about your experience of being a new kid, or doing something story worthy. If you want to join, either pm or comment right here! The chapter below is an example of how the chapter can be like.

-Don't use real names. It is best to just use the first letter of someone's name. For example, Gloria can turn into Gamma.

- Your chapter doesn't have to be real, but it is easier to write if it is.

-You can only write one chapter, but their is no limit on the length.

- I will dedicate the chapter to whoever wrote it, and mention their name in the beginning.

-Have fun!


Moving to a new school really changed me. I used to be such an innocent person, but UGS made me, Sally Danish, discover what living really was like.

"Welcome to UGS Sally", exclaimed my new fifth grade teacher. "Let Flora and Lilian show you around the school."

I shyly mumbled in agreement, not daring to say otherwise. The two girls I presumed to be Flora and Lilian grabbed my arms in excitement, leading me to worriedly look back at my waiting mom. She gave me a reassuring smile, so I decided to look on forwards.

"You must meet everyone, they are really nice", said one of the girls. "I'm Flora, and this is Lilian!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sally."

And with that, I took a deep breath and prepared to get over my old school, no matter how great it was at the time.

And no matter how nice the people of the school were, it wasn't possible to make real friends for quite awhile.

I was different, the new girl who moved from a girl school. A follower, not a leader. The kind of person who agreed to what people said, even if they didn't understand most of what everyone said.

The biggest issue I could have in the girl school was not getting top marks on a quiz, but I really didn't understand how this new school worked.

In the old school, the most popular kid was the girl who got top marks.

In this school, the whole system changed, as getting good grades was considered being teachers pet.

Of course, the people were tolerant and welcoming, yet were outspoken to me at the time. Also, I proved not to be the teacher's best fan. I didn't mind it, but was shocked about all those new changes.

Before then, the worst word someone could say was stupid.

When we had groups, I was offered gum by a student. Being as naive as I was, I wanted to tell her that it was against the rules to chew gum. I couldn't though, I felt as if I was being peer pressured to smoke.

I learned a lot those first few months, and realized that before then I wasn't really living and normal school life.

It was hard making a real friend though, for obvious reasons. No one actually disliked me, but I was just another kid in the background, and kept alternating between different tables.

However, one day it all changed because of a girl named Allegra.

She had a cool name, and seemed like a really nice person. She came up one break and started talking, with us eventually becoming best friends, along with another girl named Alicia.

Allegra showed me how interesting that strange new place could be. She gave me someone to actually chill out with. I was no longer just another kid in the corner, because I finally found a friend. Alicia also showed me how even if your fighting with one friend, you always have another great friend to hang around and laugh along with. Both of them showed me the ropes of the place that seemed like a maze.

At that point I realized that I could enjoy that new school. Over the years, I got over my shyness, realizing that I do have it in me to actually be myself.

It took more than three years, but I truly became myself, my loud, outspoken, and slightly mean self. And I'm proud about it.

Sure, I had more than one falling out with Allegra, and eventually stopped being friends with Alicia by the end of the year. Sure, Allegra also had to move by the end of sixth grade. I made new friends and met old friends, all because of that one girl who decided to strike up a conversation with me.

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