Our first encounter

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4 months have passed since the battle with Thanos, and the world has had a lot of issues, which is why I'm here today in this military base. I was invited by Sam because he wants me to do more than just laying on the couch all day and binge-watch movies and crying.

I'm sat on top of a desk playing with some plants and waiting for Sam, he said he wanted to show me around the place but I honestly feel like a kid who was obligated to go out with a parent,

"Can I help you, mam?" I hear someone ask from behind me, I turn around and I lock eyes with this really cute guy, his short wavy hair pushed to the side, brown eyes, and a really sweet smile, "Oh no, I'm just waiting for someone" I explain to him getting down from the table, 

"Cool, just wanted to make sure. I'm lieutenant Torres nice to meet you," he says putting his hand out, I shake it and smile at him, "I'm Y/N L/N, nice to meet you too", "Wait, do I know you from somewhere, you seem familiar," Torres asks me and I chuckle knowing full well why he knows me,

"Oh, you might not recognize me because I don't have my mask on, I'm Elementia," I tell him and his face lights up once he realizes who I am, "You are Elementia!! That's amazing, is a pleasure to meet you," he says sounding very excited, I chuckle smiling at him, 

"Thanks, you can call me Y/N though" I explain to him and he nods, "Y/N! I see you've met Joaquin" Sam says finally coming back from wherever he was, I turn around to look at him and nod, "Yeah I have. So, can I leave now?"

"No. Come on let me show you around, Torres you wanna join us?" Sam says turning to look at Torres, "Really? I mean sure- yes of course" Torres responds with sounding very excited, I smile at his reaction, "Let's go then" Sam says guiding me somewhere,

"So where are we going?" I ask him as I follow him, Torres next to me, "I thought you might just want to walk around the place and see the different planes", "Really?" I ask him, "Yeah, you need to get out of your apartment," Samm tells me,

We walk around the place for about 1 hour, and that hour is pretty much just Sam and Torres talking about planes, their function, how much they like them, and how the next one is always better than the previous one; to my surprise, I didn't fall asleep in that hour,

"So what did you think?" Sam asks me as we enter the cafeteria in the base, "I know you two really like this kind of stuff, but I could have watched an episode of 'American Horror Story' instead of listening to you two fanboying about planes" I tell them and Sam just laughs as the three of us look around something to have,

"I bet you would like the training room though," Sam tells me and I shake my head, " I haven't trained or pretty much used my powers for a while, there would be no point" I explain to Sam, "It would be really cool to see you use your powers though," Torres says,

"Maybe some other time. Anyway, thanks for today Sam, it was fun to hang out with other people" I say as I take a cup and pour myself some coffee, "Anytime, we should go out more, you should also join us Torres" Sam tells him as they both grab something to eat, "I would love to"

We then take a seat and talk for a while, it is a nice conversation, just joking around and asking Torres some questions, "How did you and Sam meet?" he asks me, "Well, I used to go on runs with Steve and on one of them we both met Sam, and after that well, it's history" I explain to him, 

"So were you good friends with Captain America?", "Yeah, he was my best friend since I met him when he was 17" I explain to Torres, he looks at me confused for a second, "So are you a super soldier as well?" he asks and I shake my head,

"Nop, I come from outside Earth," I tell him and he looks at me surprised, "Woah seriously that's amazing? But if you are not a super-soldier are you immortal then?", "Not really, I just take longer to age" I explain to him and he nods understanding, 

"Wait, how old are you?", "Dude you can't ask that," Sam says laughing, I look down at my hand and start trying to figure out how old I am, I have been around for so long birthdays aren't really a thing, I use my fingers to start counting really focusing into it, 

"Is she actually figuring it out?" Sam says as he looks at me and I look up at Torres, "I'm honestly not sure how old I am but I think if I transfer it into human age I should be around 27 to 30 years probably" I tell him, Sam and Torres look at each other shocked,

"What?" I ask them, "You guys try to figure out your age after being alive for ages," I tell them, Sam puts his hands up, "Alright", "Well, I might have to go," I tell them as I stand up, "Wait I wanted to ask you something before," Sam tells me,

"What is it?" I ask Sam, "I was wondering if you wanted to work with the Air Force, we could use someone like you," he tells me and Torres nods, "Yeah with your powers you could help a lot of people," he tells me, I look at them hesitantly,

"I don't know guys," I tell them, "Come on Y/N, how about you give it a try, if you don't like it, you are free to leave, what do you say?" Sam asks me, I take a moment to think and then nod, "Fine, when do I start?" I ask them

"I'll let you know that, here's my number," Torres says handing me a piece of paper, "I will contact you with all the details," he tells me and I nod, "Thank you, I'll see you later Sam," I tell Sam walking over him and giving him a hug,

"I'll see you later Y/N", "It was a pleasure to meet you Lieutenant Torres," I tell him as I put my hand out, he takes it and shakes it, "The pleasure was mine, and please Joaquin is fine," he tells me and I nod, "Alright, I'll also see you later Joaquin," I say walking away waving goodbye at them,

I look down at the piece of paper Joaquin gave me and see a little smiley face next to his number, I chuckle and shake my head, he seems like a great guy, hopefully I can get to know him more by working with the Air Force, I just hope I made the right decision.

Hey there guys here's the new chapter for the story!! I hope you guys are liking the storyline so far, I'll probably add more action in the next chapter! If you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to let me know! Thank you guys so much for all the support!

Lots of love, Author.

Okay but like Joaquin is so wholesome like he's just so cute, he's definitely a huge superheroes/ Avengers fan and you cannot change my mind

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