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This was the happiest Leigh had felt in a long time.

Finally the pieces of her life were finally coming together.

She had her mum and sister, her bestfriends.

And she got the guy.

The dimly lit apartment had a somber environment, it was quiet and not a sound could be heard from the usually busy Stars Hollow.

There the two of them stood in Luke's old apartment. Leigh leaning on the counter fiddling with the drawstrings of Jess's hoodie as he stood above her. The two minutes felt like hours as they waited for the small chime of the alarm Lee had set on her phone.

"We're gonna be ok" he spoke breaking the silence.

There were very little people who could read Lee Gilmore, even her mother struggled sometimes, but the one person who could always tell what she was thinking was Jess. He could read her like a book.

"I know" she lied.

As much as Lee wanted everything to be fine, they still hadn't found a place, neither of them had a stable income and neither of them knew the first thing about being parents.

At this same moment, Rory Gilmore stood over her bathroom sink in her mothers bathroom staring at the same double lines her twin sister was looking at a few miles away. 

Only she stood alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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