Starry Night

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"I told you that you'd enjoy coming out here with me!" Y/N remarks. She gives her longtime girlfriend, Chaeyoung, a poke on the cheek.

"Maybe I am, but I still mean it when I say you're the only one that goes camping on your own and actually enjoys it." Chaeyoung pokes Y/N back on the arm.

Together the two girls sit on a large blanket. Tall evergreen trees and bushes circle them. While they have a clear view of the hills surrounding the valley ahead, the two remain hidden from view by anyone else. Y/N discovered this spot a while back and unofficially claimed it as hers. For the longest time, she wanted to bring someone special to this spot. There was no one else Y/N could think of other than the blonde-haired girl sitting next to her.

The skies tonight are clear. Above the horizon is a vast array of twinkling stars. "We can practically see the whole universe from here. It's beautiful." Chaeyoung quietly says. The lights of the stars reflect in her dark eyes. A smile creeps on Y/N's face as she watches Chaeyoung. "Something on my face?" Chaeyoung asks, she begins to rub random spots on her face. Y/N flinches from the sudden movement and blinks.

"No-no, I just like looking at you, " she confesses. Chaeyoung pauses for a moment to narrow her eyes at Y/N, she can't help the upturning at the corners of her mouth.

"Really, you're so cheesy sometimes." Chaeyoung chuckles and gives her head a shake. She avoids meeting Y/N's loving gaze. Y/N laughs lightheartedly and continues staring at Chaeyoung with no shame whatsoever.

"And? We're finally alone,' Y/N says. 'We never get chances to be like this with each other. Usually if one of us goes to the other's house, our family members are there too. Don't you want to take advantage of such a situation?" Y/N giggles and nudges Chaeyoung's arm, expecting her to come back with a witty response and make her laugh some more. Instead, Y/N notices the way Chaeyoung's smile falters. The way her eyes fall to the ground for a few moments, lost in thought before they glance up again.

"I guess so." Chaeyoung replies with a tight-lipped smile. Y/N's laughter dies down a bit. She thinks back to earlier in the day when they were driving to the campsite. Y/N was driving the car so she couldn't watch Chaeyoung the whole time, but she did notice the way her girlfriend would become quiet at times, even more so than usual. It's times like that Y/N understands something is on Chaeyoung's mind. She's the type to bottle up her emotions inside, and what she needs is a way to vent.

Come to think of it, Y/N noticed the way Chaeyoung hadn't been herself for a while. She wasn't sleeping well. Y/N knew this because sometimes she'd receive a text or a video call from Chaeyoung in the middle of the night. Nor was her girlfriend eating well either; she'd lose her appetite quickly and not be able to finish a meal sometimes when Y/N cooked for her, which was extremely odd. Even Chaeyoung's mood became more irritable lately. She'd lose her patience and begin arguing with Y/N over the simplest things.

One time they argued over something so stupid, Y/N laughs just thinking about it to this day: Chaeyoung had invited Y/N for a sleepover. It was a night where they could be alone and romantic as they please. Well, that was until Y/N found a half-eaten chocolate bar in Chaeyoung's pantry. She didn't think too much of it and decided to finish the bar, and when she finished, threw the wrapper in the garbage. Later as Y/N was in the living room browsing through Netflix for a movie they could watch, Chaeyoung came stomping in and clearly wasn't happy.

"My saved chocolate bar is in the garbage,' she stated. 'Did you eat it?"

When Y/N glanced over, she felt flustered at how annoyed her girlfriend looked. Y/N placed the T.V remote down on the coffee table and hesitantly answered. "Um, yeah I did. I found it half-eaten and assumed that maybe you didn't wanna finish it." Chaeyoung let out a small huff of air and crossed her arms.

Starry Night ♡ Rosé Where stories live. Discover now