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Remember this isn't going to be perfect

"I'm so bloody tired" I muttered laying on my bed

"You're fine, now c'mon." Draco said annoyed

"I can't dray" I muttered burying deeper under the covers.

"You can, now wake up or ill tell MacMillan you have a thing for him

I bolted up, " That is not funny you know he's been obsessed since first year."

" I do, its bloody pathetic really, but you promised you would be at the party."

" Some promises aren't able to be kept." I smirked as I got out of bed, "remind me again why I agreed to come to this thing?"

" Because, Blaise is making me go and you have no other friends." he said jokingly, I ignored him and got dressed not minding the fact he was in the room, i had known Draco as long as I can remember, there was nothing he hadn't seen before.

I threw on the black dress that made my ass look a lot better then it was, and a bit of makeup, I couldn't be bothered to try, after all I didn't want to be here in the first place, if I was lucky I would be getting over my cheating ex Theo and under someone else, maybe Enzo, he was sweet and not to mention incredibly hot. I hadn't realized i was zoned out until Asher spoke.

" SUP BITCHES YOU READY TO PARTY?!" he came in screaming causing Draco to quickly slap him on the back of his head.

" I am nowhere near intoxicated enough for you to be screaming creevey." he said annoyed as usual.

" shut up you blood supremacist." Asher said

"Dumb and a mudblood.. double homicide" Draco muttered causing Asher to start lecturing him on how that's the exact reason for something, I wasn't paying attention and just walked out and down to the common room.

A couple heads turned my way, and a couple whispers heard here and there, nothing I wasn't used to ever since the breakup everyone either pitied me or tried to get with me. I was honestly sick of it and ready to just go back to my dorm until someone caught my eye.

He was tall, his black hair styled or maybe just fell that way naturally I couldn't tell, his eyes were a dark brown almost black and I'll admit it, he was gorgeous, the kind of guy you couldn't tell if he was made by god or the devil himself.

Finding a new reason to stay I made my way down the steps and immediately went to the bar and downed two or three shots, of fire whiskey, before feeling someone behind me. I turned around and came face to face with Enzo, judging by the way he stared at me hungrily I would say getting under him would be easier then I thought.

"Hey Ang!" he smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder "you down for a game of truth or dare?" leaning in so her could hear me over the loud music, " sure!" I yelled over the music, he took my hand and led me over the the group where Draco and Asher were, I sat between them scanning the circle before making eye contact with two people, the brunette whos name i have yet to learn, and the cheating bastard himself...Theo.

I maintain eye contact trying to act unbothered but not wanting to be the first to look away. Our eye contacts broken when Isobel goes and plants a kiss on his lips then looks at me with a smirk, as if I wasn't hurt by their prior actions enough. You would think I hated her, considering before she slept with my boyfriend.. she was my best friend.

Isobel, Draco, Phoenix (Draco's twin brother), and I had grown up together, thick as thieves and causing trouble up until two months ago, when I learned Isobel had been fucking my boyfriend since before him and I were together. Theo not only cheating on me but Isobel on Draco as well , and Nix as we called him had been forced to transfer schools and go to a school in America, after beating the living shit out of Theo and threatening to throw Isobel off the astronomy tower, thinking fondly back on my memories with the Malfoy twins, I hadn't realized it was my turn.

" YO Emery's you gonna pay attention?" shouted one of the boys

"hm? oh yeah " I said

"Truth or dare?" Asher asked

" dare obviously" I responded leaning back into my seat

" I dare you to kiss.." he looked around the circle trying to decide whom he would stick me with

" Him." I turned to see who him was only to meet the same pair of dark brown eyes as before.


what's gonna happen?? will she kiss him? maybe maybe not?

ok so i have an actual plan for this now instead of writing willy dilly and it being fucking DUMB i am actually pretty proud of how this came out. ANYWAYS HAPPY MF PRIDE MONTH TO MY LGBTQ+ BABES I LOVE YOU ALL AND AM SO PROUD WHETHER YOU HAVE COME OUT OR NOT MWAH.

only 900 words this chapter bc you guys preferred a shorter chapter, earlier release! but next chapter ill hopefully write a bit more no promises though.

TW: this books going to contain some possibly triggering topics and issues all of which i have done research on or spoken to ppl who have been through said situations, I will keep TW on the top of said chapters but just incase i wanted to add that here as well!!

ANYWAYS, have a good tuesday my dears wish you the best stay safe and covid free!!<3

OOH YEAH I ALMOST FORGOT follow my insta for updates

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