Chapter 2: Getting Ready

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I Want... You (Super Fluff!!!)
Chapter 2: Getting Ready
[Guest Starring... ME! (Just kidding)]

***Author's Note...

Lol... Long time no see, huh? Don't be mad! PLEEAAASE!!!! I won't give you my whole sob story, don't worry. All I'll say is I finally have a home now so that's great and a college actually wanted my smarts so that's also pretty cool.

And OMGGGGGGG, over 1K reads?! You guys rock! Thanks my little Yuks! Oh, hey! So what do you think of that? I'm planning on calling those who read my stories Yuks. Any thoughts?

"Kevin! I implore you to listen and--oh my word! Kevin, do not even dare to--KEVIN!" And on went the tirade that was Eddward. Of course this fell onto deaf ears as Kevin pretended to ignore him, or perhaps did it on purpose.

"Think we'll need these, dorko?" Kevin asked with a smirk after turning to look at the paler boy behind him over his left shoulder.

"Of course not!" Eddward spat as he held onto his iPad and thermos in an iron grip out of frustration. He gestured to the multiple bags of cookie dough mix on the shelves before he continued his rant, "those are far too unhealthy and with just the two of us eating them we are sure to travel much too far over the recommended calorie intake and--"

"Yeah, good point. I'll get all of them then. You're not allergic to nuts, right?" He asked. Eddward did not miss the amused twinkle in the forest green eyes of his infuriating companion.

"If you planned to not listen to a word I would say, why did you even make me accompany you on this unhealthy venture?"

"Last I checked," he said as he grabbed the chocolate chip, peanut butter and molasses bags of cookie mix to put them in the basket that Eddward's textbook already lay in, "I didn't exactly drag you over here. 'Sides, you could use a pig out session."

"And what exactly is that supposed to mean?" Eddward asked menacingly, well, as menacingly as he could get.

"I mean, come on, bro. You're, like, what? Maybe one hundred pounds, soaking wet. And even that's pushing it." Kevin turned around with a smile as he continued to peruse the snack aisle even further. "Not that you look bad or anything," he quickly added when he saw the scowl that Eddward was giving him. "You're all fit and shit, not as hot as me, of course. But we all know how impossible that is." Eddward's nose wrinkled right before he rolled his eyes and joined Kevin in his laughter. "And after being all healthy for basically ever, I think you earned at least one splurge day."

"I suppose," he sighed. "But please do not expect me to eat all of this! I would get a stomach ache for sure, and as will you, Mr. Physically Fit."

"I prefer 'Master of Hotness' myself but, sure, call me what you like." He laughed.

"Honestly Kevin, I feel that the quantity at which we are buying these objects is far too large--"

"Whaddaya mean?"

"Kevin." Eddward simply replied in a very exasperated voice. He continued after said ginger only gave an innocent smile in return. "In that basket you have pancake mix, three bags of cookie dough mix, four packages of Oreo's, a box of vanilla as well as chocolate cake mix, two containers of frosting, three packages of cream cheese, a jar of Nutella and two bags of white cheddar flavored popcorn."

"You're right, we should get some soda too. I don't know what I was thinking." Kevin snorted. At first Edward thought he was being facetious... That is, until he saw the red head turn towards the fridge section, where the drinks were kept.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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