part 1

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The story of us, pooping in a stall together.

I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror, I am literally so beautiful (the best really) "wow i wish I can look like rei" I heard I'm my mind. All the girls at my school envied my main character beauty. I put my hair in a messy bun witch was really hard being that my hair isn't long...but yeah

It all started in a day like all the others. I went to school and started to look off into the distance being the main character that I am.

I was reading a new manga that just came out. A love story. And one of my favorite tropes, 'enemy's to lovers'. I was waiting for the main character to realize their love for the 'antagonist' when my stanky teacher interrupted me. IN THE MIDDLE OF ME READING!!

"Why are you never paying attention rei? You need to know this stuff to get by in life." She said while wrighting down the aldreabraicaitc equation.

"This will let you know when a smexy cow is coming your way so you can have time to get ready and impress that cow"

"I am a smexy cow." Ronald McDonald cut in. I looked at him with a face.

"Your mom." I responded back

"Your mama so hairy that the was a guest on Sesame Street and everyone thought she was a new puppet." Woody from toy story cut in. Woody came to visit our school because one of the 3rd year's family's friends cousins dogs neighbor dad 3rd cousin to my aunt Helen funded the movie so he wanted to repay his debt.

I was about to brake out in song and sing "Let It Go" but the school bell rang and it was time to go take a big fat poo.

"La la la la la on my way to sh-"

"Hey rei! I was going to go peepee but the teachers restroom toilet is clogged from mr.caca throwing his lucky trolls in there...want to come pee with me  in the common- I mean student bathroom" hanna said giving me puppy dog eyes

" Um shore I was on my way there anyways but I'm going doodoo if that's okay with you"

"Of course it is. I uh-um would love that" she told me stuttering a bit I saw a small blush appear on her face. I stood there looking of into the distance again.  Woody was staring at us, he looked real confused. Maybe he had a crush on me because i am so beautiful and awesome and amazing and cool.

We walked into the bathroom and I walked into the stalls to read my manga I didn't actually have to go poop

Hanna finished a while ago and she walked out of the stalls waiting for me to come out but I didn't I took out my manga and started to read.

I'm going to give up right here because I wrote like 1000 trillion words and it all just got lost because my phone decided to glitch or something and I didn't have it saved and I had so much written right here it was going to be so funny and awesome and I'm going to die

Maybe I'll finish the rest of it later

I'm back

I heard someone come in or some people. It was those an..em ? Oh am girls. They were as annoying as freak and I just wanted to read my manga. I toned them out and started reading again

'you know when I first met you I thought you were weird and annoying...'


'And you are'

Just then I heard a loud kick coming from outside my stall. It was Hanna

" what do you want child I'm in the middle of something here??!?" I said I may or may have not screamed at the top of my lungs I forgot she was here...

" it has been like six hours no person could take six hours pooping what have you been doing?!?!" She sounded angry so I hesitatingly walked out... no I walked out with confidence because I am the main character

" it is like 740 let's go home I've been waiting for so long that my legs has given out" she was yelling and getting close to my face spitting all over

" OK OK let's just go I'll finish my manga later that hurt to say" it really did hurt to say I don't even know why I said that you never put off manga that's literally illegal in my mind.

"I wonder what the skool was look like empty" she said looking off into the distance which is weird because I am the main character not her only main characters look off into the distance

" it would look like this... Anyways time to go read the rest of my manga." I said about to pry open the floor because I left all of it hidden in the floors the school floors were made out of my mang if I took only one out the whole School would collapse but that didn't stop me.

"Why don't we go home are we just gonna live in here forever we have a three day weekend?!" Hanna said she generally looked worried. I wonder why that could be it's not like we're locked in a building. I was starting to walk towards the secret manga collection in the empty classroom.

It suddenly came to my mind that I already finished the 100000000 mangas I had hidden here in the other day. And I do love reading them over and over but I have to watch the next episode of  the tortilla man anime

" let's just climb out the window" I said wile leaping out of the window.

"OWWWWWWWWWW" I bellyflopped. And died for a moment, but came back to life with the magic of wanting to watch anime

"SKREEEEEEEEEEE" Hanna yelled While doing an elegant pose off the school window

We were running home together as fast as we possibly can before anyone can notice it's not like anyone will notice that we have been gone for multiple hours

She was holding my hand and looked up at me her eyes were sparkling... and just then it came to my mind.

I l-

I lo-

I lost my manga

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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