Chapter 2

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"Isabella, are you awake? We need to leave soon" I was awoken by the continuous sound of my brother banging on my door, "where are we going" I replied from under my covers, still half asleep.
I heard a loud sigh from outside my door, "'s our first day at school today"
"Shit" I cussed quietly "give me five minutes" I shouted.
I assumed from the silence that he had walked away.
I swung my feet lazily from my bed and finally brought myself to stand up, completely out of bed. I quickly got dressed into my newly bought and unworn uniform, which was purple...weird, I know. I threw my long, chocolate brown hair up into a loose pony tail and applied a little amount of make up. I stood still in front of my mirror, staring at my petite reflection...wondering if I was ready.
"Here goes nothing..." I finally sighed to myself and left my room, ensuring I picked up my bag and phone.


Me, Luke and my dad were sat in our white BMW on our way to school. The whole car journey was silent with nothing but the radio playing very quietly in the background.
We finally arrived at the tall, metal gates of our new school, "you ready?" Luke asked squeezing my hand to make me feel some sort of protection, "yeah, I guess.." I smiled not so convincingly.
"Bye dad" Luke spoke, a little uncomfortably, in return not even a word, just a nod of the head.
Luke looked over to me to which I just rolled my eyes and got out of the car, seconds later Luke was by my side and the car was gone.
"It's hard for him too you know" Luke stated, throwing his arm over my shoulder.
"But that doesn't give him a reason to act like we're not even here Luke" I looked at him and stared deep into his eyes, he knew I was right. "My class is this way, yours is that way" he signalled "meet me at the gates at break" he continued and then walked in the direction to his class.
He doesn't like when we talk about mum, all of the memories come flooding back, but we can't just forget about her...
"Sorry" I heard after receiving a knock to the head, distracting me from my deep thoughts, I looked up to see a boy, quite cute I'll admit, he had ash blonde hair. His eyes locked to mine.
"You don't need to say sorry to her, after all...she should look where she's going" a girl spoke stubbornly walking over and putting her arm around the cute boy. She had medium/long length bleach blonde hair and a very slim figure, she looked me up and down for about a minute which I didn't like at all but decided to keep it to myself as I didn't feel like getting into trouble on the first day, "come on Scott" she took her hand in his and they walked away, followed by a group of boys and one other girl who also had blonde hair.

"Don't worry about her, she thinks he owns the place" another girl approached me, placing her hand on my shoulder. She had a kind and shuttle approach, unlike the girl I had previously met.
I smiled and turned around, about to walk away, until she came to stand beside me.
"Are you new here?" The girl asked
"Yeah, it's my first day" I replied rather shyly, I'm not good with meeting new people.
We talked for a little while and discussed our lessons, turns out we have most classes together and I'm kind of happy that we do.
"So what's your name?" She asked as we began to walk to our first lesson- English.
"Isabella, what's your name?"
"That's a nice name, and I'm Sophie" she smiled "this is our class, after you" she signalled, opening the door for me.
"Your late Sophie" the old woman with glasses at the front of the class crossed her arms and tapped her foot on the floorboards repeatedly "sorry miss, I was showing Isabella around" she answered, walking to the back of the class to take her seat. She was seated in between two girls, one of them being the horrible girl I met earlier this morning and the other was the girl that was with her. "Isabella, I completely forgot I was getting a new student today. Welcome, just take a seat over there please" her voice softened and she pointed me into the direction of the one seat that wasn't taken. The seat I had been assigned was right beside the window, therefore I only had one person to sit next too, which was a good thing. As I sat down I realised who it was I was sat next too, Scott..I think... The boy from earlier.
"I expect you all to treat Isabella equally, and make her feel as welcome as anyone else. Let's get started, open your textbooks to page 189.." The teacher continued.
About half an hour of the lesson passed until the whole class began acting like animals.
"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier" I was shocked by the voice of Scott whispering over to me,
I turned to look out of the window, avoiding eye contact with him.
"I really am you know..."
I ignored him and kept my position,
"Why aren't you answering me? I said I'm sorry" he continued,
I turned on the chair and looked at him, "and I said okay...if you don't mind, I have work to do" I replied bluntly with a touch of sarcasm.
He looked shocked but smirked anyway, I turned my head to look at Sophie and she smiled at me but then I also noticed the horrible girl from earlier looking at me, and not in a nice way. I turned back around and continued with my work, my first day and I guess I've got an enemy already.
The bell finally rang dismissing us from class, we all grabbed our stuff and left. Me and Sophie walked out of the classroom door just to be stopped by the two girls,
"Stay away from Scott okay! I don't want him talking to a loser like you, it ruins our reputation" she spoke harshly, glaring right at me. She then spun on her heels and walked away.
"Come on, let's go and grab some lunch" Sophie stated, smiling at me,
"Sure, but I need to go and meet with my brother first, also who are those girls" ,
"Okay and that's Savannah and Sierra...just ignore them"
I nodded my head in acknowledgement as we began to walk to my brothers meeting point.

"Luke, this is Sophie, my classmate and Sophie, this is Luke, my brother" I gestured between them. They both shook hands and then we were on our way to get some food.

The next few weeks passed by rather quickly. Within those few weeks me and Sophie became best friends, we hung out all of the time. My brother made some of his own friends and was out with them quite a lot. Scott had kept trying to talk to me, and Savannah wasn't getting any kinder.

It was Friday evening and we had just finished school.
"Do you wanna hang out tonight?" Sophie asked just as we were leaving the school gates,
"Yeah sure, what should we do?" I stopped, waiting at the gates for my brother, she also stopped and waited with me.
"How about the beach?" She smirked, she knew the beach was my favourite place. We had came so close in the past few weeks, it's like we've known eachother forever!
"Sounds great! Do you wanna come over to mine to get changed? You can borrow my stuff"
"Yeah, I'll just text my mum and let her know" with that she took her phone out and began typing.
I seen Luke in the distance searching for me "Luke" I threw my hand in the air signalling him to where I was, him and his friends came over. We always walk home together; me, Sophie, Luke and his friends Jack and Matt. We all lived pretty close together.
We all set off on our trails home.
"You girls got anything planned for tonight then?" Luke asked,
"Yeah we're going to the beach, what about you guys?" I replied,
"Awh sounds nice! We're going swimming and then off to play football" he laughed,
Almost instantly his friend Jack spoke "we should all do something together sometime"
I actually liked the sound of that idea,
"Yeah that would be pretty cool" I replied. Everyone else also nodded in agreement.
Not long after that we arrived at our house, leaving Jack and Matt to walk the rest of the way themselves.
"Bye guys" me and Sophie shouted as they walked off,
"See you soon lads" Luke also shouted.
Me, Luke and Sophie walked into the house to find a note that read "I'm at work tonight, here's some money for food etc." with £50 each for me and Luke, we took our shares of money and walked upstairs where we parted ways with Luke, he walked to his room and we walked to mine.

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