The Dreaming Man

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"This kind of refereeing makes me sick! How is that a foul?!" Thor exclaimed.
"The referee is clearly biased. The Spanish Football Federation should look into these things" I said.
It was midnight and we were watching the Catalan Derby. Barcelona were leading 2-0 in the 30th minute thanks to Leo Messi and Antoine Griezmann but the referee was clearly an Espanyol fan.
Our shouting was interrupted by the ringing of Thor's phone. It was an unknown number & Thor picked it up.
"Sorry to disturb you so late at night Mr.Lawrence, I got your number from Dr.Kushal Sen."
"Ah Kushal, I see. So what forces you to call me at this time."
"Are you free now? It would be great if I could come over. I don't live too far."
"Sure you can come."
After 15 minutes a young man arrived. He was around 30 years of age, looked quite handsome, was around the high 5fts and had jet black eyes.
"Once again sorry Mr.Lawrence, I am Saurav Sen. I live around 15 minutes from here, near Dharmatala" said our visitor.
"Wait. Aren't you the man who has been seeing dreams?"
"Yes. You read today's newspaper I guess."
"Quite so. And I assume some people are not fond of you publicly speaking about your dreams."
"Yes Mr.Lawrence. I am a very ordinary man. I work as an accountant in a small firm and painting is my hobby."
"Tell me everything from the beginning.
"It all started a month ago. It was just a normal day. I had come back from work late and was too tired to cook, so I fell asleep. In my dreams, I saw some very weird visuals, a warehouse and a voice shouting for 'help'. I couldn't sleep and for the next week, everyday I had the same dream. After 1 week, I saw something very different, a church which I later found out to be the Basilica of Bom Jesus and again the same voice shouting for help. Then again that same dream for 1 week. Last week, I saw a beach and again the same voice shouting for help. Yesterday, I saw the same warehouse as the first week, but a different voice calling for help. I went to a psychologist, who apparently was your classmate and he couldn't find any possible reason for this. So he told me to contact you. I don't have any relatives and live completely alone. That is my story. This morning I got a call from an unknown number , which gave me a death threat. That is my story."
"Did you give your number in the newspaper?"
"Yes I did."
"Okay. I'm giving you a number. Take it. Then you can go to him and get your mental issues solved. And as far as the call goes, it was a prank. Thank you for coming here. You can leave. Bye."
Before Mr.Sen could say anything Thor almost shoved him out of the house.
"All mad people. He is seeing dreams of people asking him for help. All frauds."
The next few days passed uneventfully until one day I saw the newspaper.
"Thor have you seen today's newspaper?!"
"Yes. Saurav Sen has been murdered. He recently gave 2 more interviews about his dreaming stuff. I don't think he has any property for which someone would murder him. So it has be this dreams affair. Let's go and have a look. He said he lived at Dharmatala. It will be a good morning walk."
Saurav's house was a 15 minute walk from ours. He lived in a small apartment called 'Sunflower Apartment'. On reaching the house we saw Inspector Ghosh the local OC.
"Welcome Mr.Lawrence. Nice to see you here."
"Thank you inspector. Is the body here or in the morgue?"
"In the morgue. The post mortem is being done."
"Have you searched the flat?"
"Yes. But found nothing interesting."
"Please show me where the body was found. And who called you?"
"The second part is a big mystery. I got a call from this very man's landline. And come this way."
"We made our way to near the table where an outline of a man was drawn."
"Shot from behind. Was wearing a black jacket and was pouring some water in the glass."
"Okay so the murderer has to be someone who Mr.Sen knew otherwise why would he let a stranger in and pour water for him. But what could be the motive? Maybe some issue with which Mr.Sen was blackmailing him/her or maybe the dreams really meant something. Anyways thank you for letting me examine Mr.Ghosh, if you require any help, I'm just a call away."
We again took a 15 minute walk back to our house and there was complete silence for the next 20 minutes.
"You know dreams are a resemblance of our thoughts or an exaggeration of something we have seen or heard. This Saurav Sen might have heard something like this from his friend and had dreams about it. Then he started speaking publicly and had to be removed and yeah. Okay Rohit, check one thing. What's the ticket cost for a flight to Goa tomorrow?"
"Wait checking. 7000Rs."
"Book two tickets. Time to go to the Pearl of the Orient."

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