Part 1

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CAITLIN POV: I just got a call from social services telling me that my sister-in-law had passed away in a car accident and that I had custody of my 2 year old niece. I'd just found out that I'm three weeks pregnant with Barry's kid so this was a great opportunity to get away from everything. I don't usually run from my problems but what can I do, this would ruin Barry's life and I can't do that to him.
~~1week later~~
I haven't been here a week but things are looking up I've gotten a job at the local doctors office and Dawn has daycare during the day.
~~2 months later~~
I just found out I'm having triplets, two girls and a boy and I'm kinda freaking out but I figure I'll figure it out sooner to when their born.
~~6 months later~~
Dawn and I just arrived in central city and are stopping at jitters to get some lunch. Once we're inside I spot Joe and froze in place. Dawn must've noticed  because the next thing I know she pulls my skirt and hear her sweet little voice saying "Auntie Caity I'm hungry". Drawing the whole cafes attention towards us. Immediately I see Joes eyes widen as he recognizes me. "Caitlin" I hear him mumble under his breath. No point avoiding it now. "Hi Joe" I said awkwardly. "Where have you been, and who is this?" He asked pointing to Dawn. "Oh uh Joe this is Dawn my niece I was taking care of her in port city." I answered his questions. "When are you due if you don't mind me asking?" He said gesturing to my pregnant belly. "Any day now actually." I answered honestly. "Really that would mean you were pregnant when you left?"He asked unsure. "Yeah I uh I was" I replied hesitantly. "You know who the dad is?" He asked. "Yeah." I sighed. "I get if you don't want to tell me who the father is but if you're willing I would like to know." He said in his fatherly tone. "Joe don't take this the wrong way but I don't think I should tell you." I said awkwardly. "That's okay does the father know?" He asked in the same fatherly manner. "Uh no he doesn't"I replied. "Why haven't you told him?" He asked concerned. "Because he's married and I'm not what he wants,this isn't what he wants" I said gesturing to my belly. "But don't you think he'd want to know?" He asked. "Of course I do but I'm to scared of what he'll think I mean how would you feel if you found that you were going to have 3 kids with your best friend." I answer. "It's Barry isn't it,he's the father?" He asked. I looked down before speaking "Yeah yeah he is." Joe pulled me into a hug and said "I'm a grandpa." He said then his eyes widened and he looked at me and said "of 3?" "Uh yeah I'm having triplets." I replied. "And little Dawn you said your raising her?" He asked. "Oh yeah I am" I said. "As far as I'm considered that makes 4." He said smiling at Dawn. Just as I'm about to thank Joe for being so supportive and giving Dawn something to snack on my water breaks and my eyes widened with fear. "Hey it's ok we've got this." Joe says walking me and Dawn to his cop car. "Joe I can't do this you're going to have to stay in the waiting room with Dawn and I'll be all alone and child births not easy and I'm having 3." I said overwhelmed by fear. "Hey it's ok do you want me to call Barry I'm sure he'd want to be there for you and his kids." Joe said. "Yeah actually I would I don't want him to miss anymore of his kids lives." I said. "Good cause I was going to either way." He told me. "I figured you would." I said as he pressed the call button. He picked up after 2 rings and said "Hey Joe what's going on you said you were going to jitters and that you'd be right back?" "Yeah sorry kid I know but something came up and I need you to meet me outside the hospital." Joe said glancing at me before going back to the road. "Wait Joe what happened why are we meeting at the hospital is someone hurt?" He questioned. "No Barry everyone's fine just meet me there okay." Joe said in a stern tone. "Ok." He said hesitatingly.
"Ow" I winced at a contraction. "Joe I thought you said everyone was fine why'd I hear someone say ow?" He questioned. "It's a long story we'll explain when we get there okay." Joe said. "Fine but you better explain." He pouted making me smile. When we got there Barry was already there as expected. Joe got out first and helped Dawn out of the back before coming to help me. The look of shock on Barry's face would have had a worse impact if it wasn't for a contraction. "Cait" I could hear him say as him and Joe helped me into the hospital. It wasn't long till I was set up in a room with Barry looking at me for answers while Joe took Dawn to the cafeteria. I took a deep breath before diving right into my explanation. "Look Barry I know you have a lot of questions but first just let me explain." I said before continuing. "Oh where do I start." I cringed. "The beginning." He said. "I know that I just don't know which beginning to start at." I replied. "How about the day you got pregnant." He prompted. "Okay Yeah I can do that uh we were drunk and Iris was out of town so it was just us, I don't remember much from that night just flashes but I remember waking up the next morning in your bed with both of us naked. I left went home took a shower and went to work but then a couple weeks went by and I had started getting morning sickness so when a week later I got a call that my sister-in-law died leaving me with my niece I took the chance to get away. Skip forward a few months and I found out I was having triplets 2 girls and a boy and that leads us to today I came back here cause I can't raise 4 kids on my own so yeah here I am." I finished. Barry smiled and said "I'm gonna be a dad."
~~The next day~~
The triplets were born late the night before all 10 minutes apart. The first one was a girl named Nora Elizabeth Allen, the second was the boy named Joseph Henry Allen, and lastly the other girl named Ramona Cecile Allen. They were born at 11:10,11:20,and 11:30. Caitlin was feeding Ramona under a cover up when Cisco walked in apparently he ran into Joe when he was taking Dawn back to his house for the night and heard what was going on. "So it's true your back." he said excitedly. "Shh Cisco the baby's are sleeping." Barry said. "Baby's?" Cisco questioned apparently Joe hadn't told him that part. "Ya Cisco babies and yes I am back, I'd give you a hug but I have to finish feeding Ramona." I said making Cisco smile and say "Ramona like Ramon after me?" "Yeah Cisco after you,your their uncle after all." I said. "Wait so how many babies did you have?" He asked. "3" Barry answered for me. "3 you had triplets Caitlin what are their names." He asked. "I would like to know that as well" Joe said I hadn't even noticed he was here. "Oh right so theirs Nora Elizabeth and Joseph Henry over there and right here we have Ramona Cecile." I answered coverings myself up and bringing Ramona out from under the cover up.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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