Definitely a Mage

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The rest of the evening, and their night passed far more smoothly than Geralt could have ever thought possible. Especially because he had suddenly become a parent to a baby wolf. She had slept a while longer, and he had bathed while she entertained herself with a piece of stray cord that had fallen out of his shirt as he had slipped it over his head. He'd find something else to lace the front of the garment - the cord was worn, anyway, and he'd much rather her play with that than anything dangerous. Plus, it let him bathe in relative peace.
Gwyn had taken quite a struggle to get washed up, though, and he had ended her own cleaning session almost as wet as if he'd taken a second dip in the tub. It was oddly satisfying to see white fur shining underneath all that mud and whatever else, though, and he rubbed her down with a linen towel that had been a spare from his own wash. After a lot of to-ing and fro-ing (and putting her on the floor many, many times only to have her scrabble and crying at him), the witcher had then slept with the little animal curled up beside him.

He vowed to not make a habit of that.

The white haired man was woken early, and it was just a lucky thing that he was not afraid of mornings, because even for him, it was a little earlier than he'd intended. He liked to make the most of an actual bed when he could. Gwyn was nibbling at his hands, though, and after a lot of squeaking, he suddenly came to the realisation that she perhaps wanted to go outside to do her business; how she'd known to not do so indoors was a wonder to him, but he didn't get chance to think about the oddity of it much, as he threw some trousers on, tugged on his boots, and scooped up the creature once more. He totally forgot that he'd been doing his best to hide her the day before, and hurried down the stairs, and outside
Luckily, they were not detected, and to his surprise, when he put the animal down (thankfully without him being urinated on), she went to do her thing, and came right back to him, wiggling her little body as if awaiting praise. Gearlt felt as if he were being pranked; this had to be a dog, surely? It couldn't be a wild animal.

"Well, good job. Let's go get packed up, grab some breakfast and go and see what that strange man wanted, hm?" He murmured to the wolf, picking her up again and heading back indoors.

Deciding that it would be best for them both to not linger in this town for too long, Geralt made the effort to pack up entirely, and went back down to the stables to see about getting his things stored with his horse and tack. It was nonsensical to drag Roach to visit the healer with him, especially if there was nowhere for her to be tied up. He'd rather pick her up later and, although it cost him to do so, at least he knew she was comfortable. It was not good for the mare, after all, to have the saddle on alongside the weight of his things for long periods of time.

The same stableboy was there, and that made him happier, too. Geralt left his horse with a promise he'd be back soon. He did also take a moment to entertain what to do with Gwyn. He'd tucked her back into the satchel from the day before, and she seemed well enough behaved in that space, but it wasn't wholly practical. Until they knew each other more, he wasn't sure what to do. Perhaps he could pass her off as a puppy - young dogs and wolf pups were not all that dissimilar after all, and it wasn't going to be until she grew like a weed compared to some dogs, that it would be noticeable. He toyed with the idea of leaving her in the stable with Roach, but didn't want any trouble, and so kept her in the bag, hoping to every god that this would be okay, that he wouldn't be with the man he was about to meet long, and that he could perhaps fashion a way for the little wolf to travel without having to be tucked away. It wasn't fair on her, and it certainly was not how he wanted to treat her. He was responsible for her now, after all.
So, making sure Gwyn was happily enough in her temporary carrying pouch, the witcher headed off in the direction of where the healer had indicated the night before. He found the place easily enough, with various bundles of things tied outside, either drying, or for protection, perhaps both. "Here we go, then. At least I'll be able to get the rest of that payment." He murmured to the wolf, giving her a little pet, before covering her again, and knocking on the door.

The healer opened it quickly, as if he had heard him coming, as if he were expecting him. Had the guy been sitting behind the door waiting? That amused the white haired man briefly, but then he was frowning because the healer before him had an expression on his face that indicated excitement - he had to be a mage.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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