Dead Ends

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Saihara let out a deep sigh. This case was getting nowhere. Even with all of their best workers spending sleepless nights in the office as well as doing fieldwork, they were constantly hitting dead ends. At this point Saihara was chained to his desk, blue hair disheveled as plastic coffee cups started to stack up on the far left of his desk. As he was beginning to zone out once again from sleep deprivation, he had someone tap his shoulder gently. Despite the comforting gesture Saihara still jumped from the shock, turning around to see who the offender was. Kaede gave him a worried smile as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Still not much luck?" Kaede asked calmly. She was the only one who seemed to keep her head on jobs like these, apart from Rantaro of course.

"No luck here in the office, surprisingly our killer seems to like covering up their tracks thoroughly" Shuichi sighed. It should've been next to impossible. Killing a whole corporation of people leaving only five survivors? Of course, police turned to the agency for help when the case almost immediately went cold. But still, being stuck in a shitty rundown apartment as a makeshift office for their elite task force wasn't the most ideal. The case wasn't that simple but drawing attention to themselves was idiotic, so for now the five of them were just broke college students moving into a rundown apartment near a shit hole of a university.

"I had thought so, but I have good news" Kaede let out a sigh of relief as Shuichi smiled at the sound of any good news at this point.

"Well it depends what you consider good news, but we may have a potential lead, a local criminal group actually had close connections to DanganCorp, Rantaro had run into them while undercover and he reckons they could help with a lead" Kaede explained. Shuichi's smile had quickly turned into a frown,

"Criminal group, how can we trust a group of criminals?" He huffed wondering if the desperation was finally getting to Rantaro.

"Well we thought that too, but the group seems different to the usual run of the mill criminal group, the crimes they have committed are all petty crimes, nothing special or dangerous to the people who live here, and they seem to want whoever did this to go down as well" Kaede continued as if trying to convince Shuichi that this was somehow a good idea.

"Listen, it's the only lead we have gotten in months, so if two of us carry on with how we are then it will do no harm to follow a lead" Kaede smiled. Wait. If they only needed two people to do this lead why was Shuichi being told all of this?

"Soooo~ you and Kaito or Maki are going to follow this lead!" Kaede cheered as if this was the greatest idea she and Rantaro had come up with on this mission, and there had been a lot of ideas.

"You can't be serious Kaede-"Shuichi let out a whimper in disbelief, there was no way in this hell hole of a city that he was going to do fieldwork with Rantaro and a group of petty criminals.

"Awww~ my feelings are wounded Mr. Emo~"


Hey, so I decided to make this for fun and because there was a lack of secret agent AUs for saiouma. My grammar is extremely bad so I'm sorry in advance, thank you for joining me for this shit show of an AU.

Two Sides of The Same Coinحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن