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pov: You were working hard on packing up your stuff for Japan the weekend went quickly as Monday arrived. You were exited as you went to the airport and soon on the plane to Japan (yall flew delta first class yw my rats) 15 hours later you got off the plan exhausted because of the plane ride and time difference. You looked for your named but got invaded by crowds asking for autographs and pictures once the crowd died down you found your hr teacher (homeroom im too lazy rn). You found your hr teacher finally the man in a sleeping bag reached his hand out and said "Hi im ur homeroom teacher Mr. Aizowa its a pleasure to meet you" he said tierdly 'uhmm is this a joke??? U know what nvm' i shook his hand "its a pleasure to meet you too sir." As i shook his hand "Okay heres your clothes your stuff should be here by the time we get to the dorms but follow me ill take you there" about 30 minutes you were infront of UA 'its huge' you thought Mr.Aizowa walked you inside and gave you your clothes and left you thought to yourself 'In 5....4....3....2....1' "OMG HIIIIIII" they all said "Hi" you say back "Are you THE FLASH????" They all asked "Yes.....but you can call me y

or n

......" You said kinda nervous "GUYS GIVE HER SOME ROOM TO BREATHE" a tall boy with glasses said he put his hand out "Hi im tenya iida" i shook his hand while saying "Hi im y


".  Then thats when i saw Deku with some girl with brown hair im not gonna lie i felt a little surge of jealousy through my body Bakugo noticed this and said "Hey dumb____ they are just friends" he said smiling and laughing everyone was shook because they never seen him smile or laugh like that I respond with a "Whatever Kat🙄🤚" you said playfully punching him. Thats when the door rang. A delivery guy was standing there "packages for y


?" His eyes widened and he said "OMG OMG Y-YOUR F-FLASH THE YOUNGEST HERO IN THE TOP 3 HEROES YOUR MY FAVORITE HERO C-CAN I HAVE A AUTOGRAPH PLEASE!?!?!?!" You chuckled and said sure as you gave him a autograph he gave you your boxes as he waved goodbye you waved back and closed the door and turned back to the class who was stunned and you say "Well that was interesting!" And you grabbed your boxes and started setting up your room (your room):

You went back to the common room exhausted from the eventful day you had. You saw Izuku walking by again and decided to get his attention by shocking him with your electricity when you did it he let out a little ouch untill he turned to see you saying "SURPRISE SHAWWTYYYY" he ran over to you hugging you and giving tou butterfly kisses. He pulled away admiring you he place a soft kiss on your lips. "Hello mate! Im guessing u missed moi?" He shook his head rapidly while crying you smiled "Cuddles?" You asked "yes please" deku said while taking your hand he took you into his room and cuddled you then he turned on megan trainor like im going to lose you. He put his hand out and asked "Care to dance?"(play the song) You grabbed his hand in acceptance and danced with him with your hands around his neck and his hands on your waist as yall slow danced to the song enjoying each other's embrace and when the song ended you guys shared a passionate kiss which lasted for a few minutes so you to can get some air there was a comfortable silence untill you said "I love you" and deku just smiled and said "I love you too" with no hesitation.

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