Chapter 3: River

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River grabbed her math book and notebook from her locker then headed off to Mr. Clarke's classroom, grumpy about the fact that she was with Fate this period AGAIN. She was the most annoying person EVER. Like everyone, she judged River for not wearing similar clothes to most other people, which was something considering the bright, wild outfits that Fate wore every day. At least River didn't... didn't... obsess over stuff like crazy!

River swung the blue door with a little number 10 painted on it open and waved at Mr. Clarke before taking a seat. There were only three people in class besides River at the moment, but that made sense considering there was still five minutes until class started. Fate was one of them. She was always at least ten minutes early. Nothing better to do, River guessed. Or she was just a teacher's pet. River rolled her eyes and sighed, putting her elbows on her desk and her face in her hands, her long brown hair spilling around her to create a curtain.

Era was also one of the students already there. She was sitting next to Fate and biting her nails, occasionally throwing glances across the room to a boy named Daniel who was brooding in the corner. Fate was scribbling away in her golden shipping notebook. River rolled her eyes and threw her backpack down at a desk near the back of the room. School sucked; academics were okay, but everything else sucked.

Especially Fate Harper. River had known her for a long time and she still got on her nerves! She refused to grow up and acted like she knew everything when she really knew absolutely nothing.

River's hand fluttered up to brush against the necklace she always wore; her mom had given it to her before she died. She missed her mom a lot; she had died when River was nine. Since then, she had lived with her dad. It was nice that they were able to stay together, but River missed the times when they were a family.

Fate and Era were whispering in the back. River rolled her eyes once again. Couldn't they be quiet for even just a second? Fate caught a glimpse of River and stuck out her tongue. River started to stick hers out back but then decided that it would be immature. Seriously, Fate Harper was a nightmare. River had the worst luck, getting paired with her. Era seemed semi-sensible at least, but she was stupid enough to stay with Fate. Era refused to speak up when she was in a controlling friendship with that bossy and apathetic Fate.

The bell rang, and students started filing in. River slumped in her seat and waited for math to start. She took out her notebook and started taking notes on what the teacher was saying. Fate was scribbling stuff on hot pink sticky notes that were visible across the room. Ten to one she was doodling or writing a note to Era.

River had gotten stuck with the worst groupmates. Fate sucked, and Era was a mousy bean without a scrap of backbone. Most likely Fate would spend all her time annoying her, Era would cower in the corner, and River would get stuck with all the work. Just great.

Seventh grade was going to suck even more than it already did.


Lunch. Whoever came up with the idea of lunch?

River got her tray and stared down at the single slice of pizza on it. She walked through the maze of tables, trying to find one, when suddenly-

Ow! Something blindingly pink hit River in the eye. She brought her hand up to rub it, momentarily forgetting about her tray, which slid sideways, its contents dumped all over her shoes. People were staring, pointing, and laughing, which made River's face burn. She dropped her tray and ran out. The last thing she saw was Fate laughing and holding her pad of sticky notes.

River sat at the base of a tree and tipped her head back, staring at the emerald green leaves. It was burning hot out here, but she didn't care. Extreme temperatures had never bothered her.

But Fate did.

Why had she done something like that? Because she was cruel? Vindictive? River shut her eyes. She could feel pressure building up inside them and she did not want to cry. When the feeling stopped, she stood up and prepared to go back inside. She felt in her pocket, only to discover that she didn't have any lunch money left. Great. River groaned and wondered if she had any snacks left in her backpack. Probably not.

Her stomach growled noisily. She wouldn't be able to pay attention in her afternoon classes without food. Maybe she could live on just water?

Believe it or not, this was the first public move that Fate had made in their rivalry. It had been barbed words and insults until now, the occasional mean note in their lockers, but the whole school knew about their rivalry. It was the sort of thing that went around. So Fate wanted to up the game. River's eyes narrowed and her fingers clenched into fists. Fate pretty much had built up a sort- of popularity, but River was sure that she didn't have any real supporters except that mousy Era. Maybe there was something that she could do back.
It wasn't the smartest idea. In terms of revenge, River had to admit that she didn't know a thing. Sometimes, she caught a dangerous glimmer in her archnemesis's purple eyes, a glimmer that said she was more than just a silly fangirl. She was a tiger.

And like a tiger, Fate always struck twice.

River shook away her silly notions. It would go well, it would all be fine.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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