One -

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UPDATE: I tried doing the trailer as fast as possible (that's why it's not that good), this is as much as I could, I won't be having that much time these next weeks so I just stuck it in. It's not full of everything I have planned for this Wattpad, but in the most important or full of event chapters I will most definitely post a trailer with it!

Nadia: Romance was something that never really crossed my mind. I have always had my future planned out. An independent, hard working person .

Harry: Never in a million years did I think of finding my soulmate or twin flame..

Nadia : well that was until I met him.

Harry: She made me feel many things, many emotions... ones that I've never experienced.

Nadia:I understood him and he understood me.

Harry: I wouldn't say its a relationship, it's more of

Nadia and Harry: someone who you connect with and is willing to do anything for you and with you.
Arriving at the gala I immediately recognized the person I least wanted to see... Harry, he was wearing a black tuxedo with a black tie and a plain black masquerade mask. He was talking to the host that was holding a microphone getting ready to speak:
"Everyone get in places for the song of the night" the host announced. Everyone immediately made their way to the dance floor paired up, except for two people. Two people who didn't want to be here, two people who despise each other, and unfortunately two people that have to grow fond of each other. The man was making his way towards the person who was assigned to him, his partner.
"Thought you weren't making it today, darling" he held his hand out to me.

As an actress life was pretty rushed and rough, having to be on set for certain mornings, nights, and days, having to memorize lines, scripts, having to be on a full time 'good mood' 24/7, but then again I signed up for this right?

"NADIA"  the voice of my dearest friend yelling at me from across the set... he's umm loud, really loud.

"Finn Harlow" I smile as he approaches me, how did he end up being one of my closest friends again?

"Have you seen who's working with us?" He looks ahead of us

"Working with us?" I'm confused

"Yesss" he turns me to the direction he was looking at. "Rene, added a new character I guess."

As soon as I saw the brown wavy hair, I knew exactly who he was. "Harry Styles?" Fuck.

"oh and he is also playing your love life" he hands me a piece of paper, which had the list of characters and their roles.

I'm not excited about this. Harry is umm an ass, we've known each other for a while know, well our families. He's been present since my mom passed away and let me tell you we don't get along.

"What do you think?" Finn looks at me waiting for a response

"Great... I guess" I throw a cheery smile, just to not look like I don't know... not excited?

"A big change, but I wonder how is will be working with someone as big as him you know?" He chill, but excited for this... wait

"Are you fangirling right now!?" He totally is. Why? Because I could see him getting red. "You are getting red Finn" I point it out

"OKAY, stop. Yes I'm a big fan and I might not know how to act"

"Of Harry, oh please, don't let him fool you because again there's always someone different behind the mask they present to the world" gosh that sounded way better in my head.

"You act as if you know him or something" he says while staring at Harry with a smile.

I stay silent of course because I do know him, you can say. It's a long story by the way.

"Wait, Nadia what are you not telling me!?" He looks at me right away due to the silence.
Fuck what am I supposed to tell him?

"GUYS TIME TO READ LINES" Rene let's everyone in the set know , "AND WHERE IS MY OTHER MAIN CHARACTER" he puts his hand in the air while questioning

Saved by the bell...
As soon as I walked in I saw the person I couldn't stand, we made eye contact... a eye contact that burned. He seemed to have been waiting for me.

"Hurry, seats" Rene clapped his hands to me and leaves

Fudge cakes. Of course I'm sitting next to him. As I approached my seat, he started getting up. Yes, he's sitting somewhere else... well that's what I thought.

"Madame" Harry stood there gentlemen like. Fuck me, he pulled the chair for me to sit.

As I sat he had this dorky grin, this motherf*cker "You're enjoying this" I spoke

"Seeing my favor be accepted by the one and only Nadia Miliano, who wouldn't" he said as he sat down.

I smile, " You. You wouldn't enjoy this" I cross my arms as I look right at him.

"I'm hurt, me being nice is threatening to you?" He frowns... sarcastically

"What game are you playing, Harry? And How did you get a role in the same movie I'm working in"

"I'll tell you later." He moved his gaze from my eyes to the door as voices approach.

"Later? As in after this or.. don't tell me your father-."  Can this day get more exhausting

"You'll find out later" he winks at me... what?

"Okay so most of you already that Nadia is playing Emilia and Harry is playing Giovanni" Rene begins "depending on how fast we contribute the shooting here in Los Ángeles." Gosh I can feel the hour long speech, "Majority of the the middle to end of the movie will take place in France and Italy-." *blah blah* did he just say Italy and France. The joy this brings me, I haven't been to my childhood home in years...
I started reading my lines, but I felt the sensation that someone was looking at me, yes I know Im reading lines but this feeling was... familiar, hateful, toxic, and revengeful... Harry.

Okay for Finn I imagine his as 'Patrick' played by Ezra Miller in "The Perks of Being a Wildflower" with of course the personality and form of the character!
I will let your imaginations run on how Nadia might look like or seem like :)
First chapter so far!! Can't wait to keep on going :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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