Chapter 2: Renewed Restored Rebriefed

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"Yes, yes he is fine... bit of a headache... found him in a cave." Jacob kept on hearing a voice that chanted phrases into his head.

"Ah, here he is, back on earth now are we? You still look a bit sick, but that'll clear up later, so if you stay here, we'll be back with some medicine."

With that, the two nurses ran out of the room and shut the door. Jacob felt very ill and had a very bad headache, so he just laid down and tried to remember what happened. He could see a tall girl outside the window and she came in.

"Okay, first thing's first, before I explain who I really am, I am not a dude, I am a dudete, and also, never, ever try to dress me up in a pirate outfit for Halloween again, because its just plain nasty." Jacob was so scared/confused, he felt like he was gonna explode.

"Sorry..." He sniffed. "...I didn't get that."

He sounded half dead and was covered in cuts and bruised. He felt like jelly and everything was hurting (it even hurt when he spoke). His face looked dull and he was very tired.

"Now for explanations, as you people call them. I am Princess Prencotabius Wenfranduel of House Grentabri, but please, call me Precotab, re insob fratignu." She bowed down at the end of his bed with a smile as she came up.

"I am a Wood Elf of the Elven Forest. I'm sure you have heard of us, you're borders are connected to ours, of course. I am part of a special order called Fo Ghresdantip, which in your tongue means, The Long-shields."

She was dressed in a dark purple cowl (that was down) and a long, dark green coat with a strap going across it that had small glass bottles attached. It went down to her knees and she wore a pair of purple tights. She also wore a baige, no-sleeved, leather jacket. Her hair was silky black tied up in a plait and she had dark red boots on her with a black lining going above it. Her eyes were black all through and she had cherry red lips and a light brown tan.

"Right, but how do you know me so well," Mumbled Jacob.

"Ah funny, you see, your pet Hatocran is a gift that the Elves gave me for being with The Long-Shields. I am able to transform from a dog, to and elf, so there you have it, I'm Buckter. Hi."

Jacob was beginning to think he was losing it - after the cave incident and now this - so he pretended to fall to his pillow and hope she would go.

"Umm, helloo, I know your awake. You can't get rid of me that easily."

Jacob mumbled and got up from his pillow. Precotab smiled at Jacob, so he tried to smile back, sarcastically.

"Do you remember what happened? How I got here? Or what happened before this?" Asked Jacob in a low voice.

Precotab's eyebrows raised so high, they could of shot off her face."Seriously, after all that fighting and you don't remember a thing. Oh dear, what can you remember?" At this point she looked frustrated.

"I can remember holding a staff, then I saw a green light... and I forgot after that. Did I miss anything important."

"What! No no no... well, apart from raising a dark lord and unleashing him into the Kingdom of Men but, ya know, that's not important at all!" And she started to look at her finger nails in a casual mood.

"WHAT!" He shouted so loud he nearly lost his voice. "Was that bad?"

Precotab stared at him very hard. "No, no! You saved us all... OF COURSE IT WAS BAD! What did you expect! The word Dark Lord doesn't sound partially joyful and safe, now does it!"

Precotab had started to pace around the room, making it look like she was making Jacob uncomfortable. Jacob was having a very hard time trying to take this all in. Precotab stopped in the middle of the room and stood there in disappointment.

"Sorry, I'm sorry, I'll stop with the sarcasm, so what do you want to ask me?" And she stood with her hands on her hips.

Jacob thought hard and said. "How did we get out of the cave?"

Precotab replied with. "Well, after The Mictah beat me down and escaped out the entrance, I had to carry you to the nearest hospital and then I waited till you were awake."

"But what about you, haven't you been cared to?" Said Jacob in a respectful tone.

"No I'm fine now. I drank one of these healing elixirs and it healed my wounds and cuts." She unclipped a small glass bottle from her belt and shaked it at him.

"Can't I borrow some?" He asked as he tried to reach out for it.

Precotab placed it on her belt and said "Not unless you want a hole in your chest, cause that's what it does to you, not me though."

Jacob slowly moved his hand away from it and shook his head sideways, then he asked. "Do you know where those nurses went? The ones who treated me."

", I don't think so but they did give you a treatment, so I guess they're giving you some more medicine?" Replied Precotab as she sat on the window sill.

Jacob laid on the hospital bed feeling very tired and very sick. He quickly sat up and picked up a bowl.

"Oh, oh no, EEEWWWW!" Precotab started to cover up her eyes and faced the door.

"Are you finished yet? Cause this is so gross!" She started to peek between her fingers but she could still see an unpleasant sight.

Jacob was very quiet for a short time, but then he started to mumble a few words that weren't very clear. He said 3 ancient dwarven words: Düfch, Gräönï, Vündëëöl.

"Wait, what did you say just then?" Precotab turned round and started to lean forward.

"Düfch, Gräönï, Vündëëöl?" mumbled Jacob in a very low voice.

His face was still pale and his eyes had black bags underneath them. His face looked possessed as his left eye started to twitch. His hand reached out at the corner of the ward and then pointed to it. His face started to go dark, then he was veiled in a cloud of black smoke. Precotab's jaw was let loose as Jacob's body flopped and fell to the bed. The lifeless-looking body just laid there while Precotab kneeled down and put her hand on his colourless face.

"Oh, sometimes you are full of surprises!" said Precotab.

Jacob's face slowly changed from a pale white to a colourful pink. His bruises had vanished and his cut were barely visible.

As he woke up again he yawned saying "Uhh...what happened to me?"

"Well, you disappeared in black smoke, you mumbled a few dwarven words and then revived yourself of your injury soooo...quite a lot!" she replied.

Jacob's face turned from a tired one to a what-are-you-talking-about! face. "Right, okay then but can I go? Because I feel fine now."

"I'll go and inform a nurse about your recovery, then we'll set off." Said Precotab and with that she stepped away from the bed and got to the door.

"Umm...where will we be 'setting off' to exactly?" Asked Jacob with a tone of anxiousness in his voice.

Precotab stopped and replied "Well, where else? We need to see the High King of Häsgüïtölnëc."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2015 ⏰

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