Shopping And Secrets

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Here's another chapter!


(Normal Pov) (At The Mall)

"Ok we split into groups of two." Cream stated

"I got Amy." Niesha threw her arm over Amy's shoulder

"Ok I'll go with Blaze." Cream stated

"I'll go with the Twins since Nikki isn't here." Rouge stated. Everyone slip into their groups and began walking around the mall...

(With Amy and Niesha)

"So you and Sonic are back at Square One?" Amy questioned as her and Niesha walked into a clothing store

"Yeah. I mean its better than not being with Sonic." Niesha replied. Amy smiled. Niesha walked into her dressing room with dresses, hats, shirts, pants, and shoes

"Why are you smiling?" Niesha asked. Amy sat outside Niesha's dressing room

"Because I've never seen you this happy." Amy replied

"Whatever Amy." Niesha giggled. She came out of the dressing room wearing some blue skinny jeans, a black shirt with the words 'Don't Try Me' in white letters, and a blue hat facing backwards on her head

"How is this?" Niesha asked as she smiled

"I like that one." Amy replied. Niesha went back into the dressing room. 5 mins later she came out in some black shorts, a light blue tank top with a black short vest over it but it was open, light blue flats, and a light blue hat facing backwards

"So your only buying two outfits right?" Amy asked

"Yep and I'm thinking about getting this one and the other one I tried on." Niesha replied

"How about we match tomorrow?" Amy suggested.

"Cool I'll go check out while you go look for this outfit." Niesha pointed to herself. Amy nodded and walked away to find the outfit. She found some black shorts, a red tank top, a black short vest, red flats, and red hat. Amy checked out and met Niesha by the store door with her original clothes on and her bags

"Ok we need to stop by the jewelry store then we can go." Niesha stated. Her and Amy walked into the jewelry store. Niesha grabbed 3 light blue bracelets and light blue hoop earrings. Amy grabbed 3 red bracelets and red hoop earrings. They checked out and made their way to the front of the mall to see their friends standing their with their bags.

"Ok people time to go." Jade said. Everyone got into Niesha's car and one by one dropped them off. Amy wanted to sleep over Niesha's house so she stopped by Amy's house so Amy could get some PJs. When they made it back to Niesha's house. They slipped on their PJs and sat on the couch in the living room and began watching TV

"Hey Amy how are you and Shadow doing?" Niesha questioned

"Well we're doing fine. Shadow and I haven't gotten into any arguments and we went on a date last night. He took me out to dinner and we watched the stars. The whole school knows about our relationship though, which doesn't bother me one bit." Amt replied

"Why don't you want the school to know about you and Sonic?" Amy questioned. Niesha frowned and looked at her lap

"Because of my ex boyfriend." Niesha replied

"Who's your ex boyfriend?" Amy asked

"His name is Mephiles The Dark. We had an awesome relationship. Before I met you, everyone used to call us the power couple because we had been going out for 3 whole years without any arguments. We broke up because I caughtg him cheating on me." Niesha let a tear down a cheek

"Does he go to our school?" Amy asked

"He called me when I was on my date with Sonic. He told me that he was coming to Chaos High on Monday next week. He told me he was sorry for cheating for me and he asked me if we could be that power couple we use to be..." Niesha trailed off

"What did you say?" Amy questioned. Her voice was calm but serious

"I s-said I'll t-think a-about it." Niesha stutterd out. Amy stared at her in shock...


What do you think of Mephiles? What will Sonic say if he found this out? Find out next time!

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