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So I had a strange dream about Reki and Langa in Reki's pov and now I'm gonna write it down. Please don't be mad if it's confusing, the first three chapters are the only ones that are inspired by my dream, but I'll add more chapters, and I'll try to fix it with those OK?

This is after the last episode (I know it's not there yet, but I will change it if something happens, that could change the whole story don't worry).
It's during their summer break.
One more thing: their work week is only four days because they have off on friday, saturday and sunday

If you can wait and don't want to read Langa's dream, then you can probably skip it and just go for the next chapter which will be a replacement and it will hopefully make it easier for you to understand. But I'd appreciate if you would read the story from ym dream :)

I'm sorry for any grammatical or in fact any faults that I do, I used Google translate for some words....

These characters don't belong to me but to the creator of sk8 the infinity

Enjoy it and don't forget to vote if you liked it!

Next chapter (probably, I'll try my best) release date:
25th-27th april
I take that back, I'll try to get it at the end of this week
OK maybeeeee I should continue....
I'll try

Reki x Langa a summer storyWhere stories live. Discover now