Don't hide.

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the people that hurt you aren't worth your life. They aren't worth your kindness, Your smile, your tears, your personality, they don't deserve anything. The people that love you will stick up for you, People may act like they hate you, when really, they like you, they love you. If someone takes advantage over you, remember. It's your life, It's your freedom. Don't let people tell you what to do.

If someone tells you to hide it, something bad. Don't listen. Speak up, people can help. There are life lines that can help you, you can speak to them. The police are here for a reason. I want to see you smile. I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay with me and continue to breathe. You aren't here for nothing, You aren't here for complaints, your here to make the world a better place. You aren't a waste of air, you aren't a waste of bones, You aren't a waste of vocal cords. You're here for a good reason, You're here to smile, you're here to speak, you're here to live and speak up. You can have such a good life. But you can't do that if you end it all.

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