Chapter 16 (Final Chapter)

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Marisol went to go tell her bandmates she's leaving the band. When she's about to tell them, they already know.

"Hey guys. What's up?"

"Is it true? You're going to Woke Records without us."

"Guys, I know this is a shock for all of you. You don't need me anymore."

"Marisol. Woke Records isn't all that Woke. They support bullying without showing it."

"Don't be silly."

"That Annika chick isn't what you think she is."

"She's not that Woke."

"I had enough of you telling me about Annika. I'm out of here."

Marisol leaves with the band realizing that she's no longer part of the band."

"What are we going to do Mr. H?"

"I don't know."

Alicia and Dominique overheard them and realizing their plan is almost working."

"Stage 1 is complete. Time for Stage 2."

HOTE: A New Beginning Part 2Where stories live. Discover now