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Okay yes, every roleplay book needs it's rules! I highly suggest that you read the rules, if you don't I will either:

A. Not accept your form.


B. Simply not roleplay with you!

This isn't meant as a threat or anything, just a fact that you should know!

Onto the rules!

1. Effort. Please, please put effort into your responses! During our roleplays we will be roleplaying two separate scenarios with different characters in each. I'm going to be putting effort into my responses for your scenarios, so please, please, put effort into your responses for my scenario. This is supposed to be a fun experience for both of us!

2. I roleplay as your oc's love interest, and you roleplay as my oc's love interest. Simple as that!

3. No perfect characters! Yes, you can have strengths and talents. Yes, your character can be beautiful and/or handsome! But please. Give them flaws. Everyone has them.

4. Roleplay in third person please! It's what I'm used to, and I enjoy it more because it tends to be more descriptive. Speaking of descriptive, try to give me at least five sentences in each response, please? I do like longer responses though, so the longer the better. :)

5. If I don't respond, you can tag me after 24 hours. We both have lives outside of Wattpad, remember that!

6. Smut. It's allowed, but only post-timeskip. It'll have to be taken to dms.. Still, I won't rp smut with anybody unless I'm comfortable with you. So, please don't go straight to any smut scenarios right off the bat.

7. Let's make drama! Roleplays aren't fun unless there is something interesting going on!! If you want to spice up a roleplay a bit more, tell me, and we can figure something out. Hey, you found the new password! The password is a character from Haikyuu that you relate to! If you don't relate to any of them, maybe there's a character that reminds you of a friend/family member?

8. You can do as many as two roleplays at once. If there is another scenario that interests you, we can stop one of our roleplays and start up a new one. Please just let me know if you want to bring one of our roleplays to an end.

9. Only two ocs are allowed.

10. You can swear but keep it to a minimum and censor it, as I don't want this book to get deleted or anything along those lines. Thank you!

11. Have fun! :)

The rules are subject to change and editing, and if I ever do change them I will let you know.

The password can be found in the rules. Put the password in your form.

Ephemeral | A Haikyuu!! RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now