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"Y/n!" her friend called out to her. The girl turned around to see her friend running towards her. Yeji had a note in one hand and some banana milk in the other, she stopped once she'd reached Y/n.

"You left the note at my house yesterday," she said, "And the banana milk you asked for," she handed the items to her friend and in return, Y/n hugged her friend,

 "Thank you so much Yeji."

"Come on, let's go before he comes," Yeji said.

 The two girls made their way to the lockers and stopped at one specific locker. Y/n hesitated to put the note in, she kept clutching it tight wondering if she should do it.

"Hurry up Y/n, we need to go before he comes back," Yeji said, looking around to see if anyone was coming into the empty hallway.Y/n took a deep breath and slid the piece of paper into the vents of the locker. Yeji heard footsteps and quickly dragged Y/n out of the hall.

After turning the corner, they stopped to catch their breaths.

"What class do you have first Y/n?" Yeji asked her friend.

"English," Y/n said.

"Oh, I have MATHEMATICS," Yeji groaned emphasising the word mathematics." It's disgusting that they teach us that subject."

Y/n chuckled at her friend's childish behaviour. "I think Ryujin is in the same class as me, so you're all alone Yeji."

"Ugh. I hate this place." With that Yeji and Y/n bid their farewells and went to their assigned classes. 

When she'd arrived at her English classroom, Y/n realises that the only people there were her other best friend, Ryujin, and a boy who she didn't recognise.

Y/n went to her seat which was near Ryujin.

"Did you put the banana milk at his desk?" she asked her friend. Y/n shook her head and looked behind her.

"Come on Y/n, you need to be brave," Ryunjin's encouraging words gave Y/n some courage. She went over to his desk and placed the bottle near the edge, then she proceeded to take a post-it note and write a message on it. She puts the note under the bottle and leaves a straw next to it.

The bell rang indicating the students to go to their classes. One by one, Y/n's classmates walked through the door of the English room. Ryunjin was talking with Y/n but her eyes always went to the door, she was waiting for a particular person to walk through. She sighed thinking that he wasn't coming to class. Looking behind her, she saw the empty desk with the banana milk and note that she'd placed earlier. Averting her eyes back to her friend, Ryunjin noticed that Y/n was disappointed." It's ok Y/n, maybe next time."

Mr Kim entered the room and all the students stood up to show respect for their teacher." Good morning everyone," Mr Kim smiled, showing off his dimples. Half of the girls in the room gave a faint sigh which caused a noticeable breeze."You can all sit," he said signalling his students to sit down," I've marked your books so Y/n could you hand them out." he targeted his gaze to the student. Y/n stood up from her seat and made her way to the pile of books on Mr Kim's desk; the man started taking attendance whilst Y/n started to hand out the books. She made her way to the back of the classroom with three books left, she passed the desk where she'd left the banana milk and note and put gave the book to the student in front. She was making her way back to her seat when someone grabbed her wrist; confused she looked at who was holding her wrist, to her surprise the empty seat had a boy in it.

                                 "Did you forget me already Y/n?" Jungkook chuckled.

A/n: this is my third book and I still have 5 more in process. I really don't know what's wrong with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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