A City At Night

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In a City at night there is a girl looking out her window

With tears in her eyes

Why does she have tears in her eyes you ask?

She doesn't know either

She should be happy right?

So then why is she crying?

The past keeps haunting her

Even though she knows it's in the past and that it will never happen again

She's still hurt

She still has the scars

The hurtful words still in her head

The painful screams and cries 

Still haunt her

Yet everyone says "stop your being so dramatic"

"Let go of the past" they tell her

"It's been two years"

Well she tries but she just can't

Someone she loved died not that long ago and another died a month ago

How can she let go in just two years

The only things that make her happy are songs, reading, her friends, her siblings, and the beautiful city at night

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