Setting across the sky

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I always noticed her. She wasn't popular but she wasn't unknown and had a massive impact on the people around her. I'd see her in lessons and she'd have her head down, answering the questions but struggling because it was easy to notice that life wasn't easy.

I thought she was beautiful but I never really had the chance to talk to her. In school sometimes she'd dress her best, then sometimes relaxed but who didn't a sixth form, hell even I only wore joggers to school. The most mesmerising thing about her was her hair. Long brown hair that she'd fluff when stressed. She'd slide her glasses on top of her head to stop the hair from falling in her face but it never worked and I don't know why she never learned but it was cute.

She wasn't boring either, when I finally got to talk to her she spoke with the biggest smile on her face. Her smile made you know everything is ok and she'd make sure you felt that even if she didn't. But she was strong with a heart of gold and no one wouldn't see that.

Her friends are pretty too, like that one with the multi coloured hair, I think her name is Izzy. Yeah she's loud and smarter then she thinks but she also saw the light in her friend. A good judge of character, nosey but it's for the best.

I was invited to a summer's picnic with all of them and well they are all a bunch of fun. Genuinely happy friends, no animosity between them. None of the fake friends or bitching behind their backs. If they had an issue they knew about it but the feeling to be around them just felt calming. No need to pretend to be something I'm not. They loved me for me. She liked me for me.

Noticing as the night calmed down and the sun started to set that she brought out a book. Orange sky, warm and she wasn't even reading. Completely defeated the point of bringing out the book but she was distracted by the sunset. How could you not? The green fields, the smell of fresh cut grass, friends talking in the background as her main focus was the purple and orange skyline and mine was hers.

Maybe it was the feel of the book that brought her a sense of comfort. The pages below her thumb, words that could suck you to a different dimension. Escape from what ever reality that she didn't feel was enough.

Maybe she imagined herself as a princess. Long dark coloured ball gown it was black, no green, No! Purple. It didn't hide a single bit of her. She looked absolutely gorgeous in it. Running through the snow, enjoying the goosebumps she got from every snowflake that sprinkled her skin and hair. She wasn't a helpless damsel though, never. She wasn't someone who needed someone to save her, independent was the only word you needed. Underneath the dress was a knife strapped to her leg because in the stories she lived in, there was danger, there was fear but she could handle it.

Maybe she wasn't a princess, maybe she was an assassin. Still a bad bitch who took no shit from anyone around her. A man who tests and touches every nerve in her body, despising every interaction they have but having to work together makes it difficult to avoid that. He hated her too but the girl in question deep down loved every second because whats not to love about someone who sees the worse in you before they get to know the true you.

Maybe that's why her eyes observed the tranquil transition between day and night. Ethereal beauty of nature. Everything in that moment being peaceful and her mind being calm. For the first time in a while she was alone and it wasn't hopelessly shadow and perpetually dark.

I can only assume what her mind was like. From the little things that you'd notice if you looked close enough. The little huffs and puffs from the maths work she was behind on. The massive amount of post it notes you'd see in the background of her Snapchat's or the not so full smile I get sometimes in the morning when it's just been rough. Family life is hard, I would know but I never felt the need to pry just to let her know that I was there for her.

I tried to get into the reading, couldn't never imagine it like she did. She'd ramble about how the fantasy book just struck her heart, how she accidentally spent hours reading rather doing the homework due at 11:59 today. The spines of the books lightly creased. Some absolutely ruined but that just shows the genuine love she has to live in another world. Her mind worked wonders and I just sat back and smiled. It was mesmerising how playful and powerful her mind was. Not just with how she sees her stories but the way she articulated difficult topics for ways you could only sit and agree. The way she just knew that something was wrong with someone. Dropping everything to help the person in need because she knows that she would love someone to do that for her.

People take her for granted though. She's had friends in the past that you could see that she didn't feel comfortable around. Who took her kindness for weakness. Friends who would make her feel self conscious and angry to be around but she had no reason to be. She was someone anyone would be lucky to have. Cuddley, honest, smart, beautiful. What idiot would close the book and shut the curtain on her? They were wrong to do so because she learned and they only made her stronger.

Stronger to enjoy the peaceful things in her life. The friends she has now, the music she would dance so terribly at, the books that she could be even stronger in and the mellow and beauteous sunset. It was almost poetic how the wind so lightly moved her hair as she took a deep breath to stay in the lasting moments.

Lasting in my memory forever, permanent scared in my brain because who would ever wouldn't want to - no who could ever forget Georgia?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2021 ⏰

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