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Drinks were being poured left and right as loud music blasted throughout the club. It was a Friday night, and was a quite busy day before the weekend.

Men smoking their midnight cigars at the tables while looking at random females walking passed every second they could get. Screams and praise coming from the crowd of man below the stage where females sway, swing and grind themselves around and up against poles for cash. Their heels clacking on the glossy stage every time they land.

— Brisa POV —

While getting ready I listened to every beat and rhythm of the music that was playing as I focused on getting the wing on my left eye perfect after finishing up my right eye. As I came close to finishing up, I heard the door slam opened, making my eyes shift over in the mirror to see one of my good friends and colleague walk over to me.

"You should've been over there, Isa. Those men tonight are going crazy with the cash." Mavi gushed over the stack that she held in her hand, before tying it up in a large rubber band.

As I watched her stuff her bag with cash to hide from the managers I hummed softly and picked up the curling iron. My eyes trailed towards the mirror as I began to curl my hair, "I heard, usually it isn't this packed either on a Friday night. Something must be going on tonight or we just hit a jackpot on working today." I laughed softly as my eyes settled on a string of curly hair that I had just loosened from the iron. It loosely flopped onto my shoulder, just a light wave.

By the end of the night it won't even look like this.

Mavi came over and took the curling iron as she helped with my hair, "Not from what I know, you know how it is. They keep every special event from us until one of the girls come down and tell us the details."

"Ain't that the truth." I sighed as I watched her do my hair, "Is there anyway we can go on a shopping spree on Sunday? I need some new lingerie for my next theme." I crooked my eyebrow as her face lit up, looking at me through the mirror.

"I'm helping you pick it out, no questions asked." She replied giddily. I let a tiny giggle leave my lips while I nodded to her statement.

"Fine, just don't make it where everything falls out. I need to be in once place." Her face turned into in a pout, making me laugh harder as she finished the up the last piece of hair. She fluffed the loose curls before stopping, letting me get up and walk towards the changing room.

After a few minutes of struggling to keep myself stable in the heels, I walked out, fixing up the black silk robe that hanged on my shoulders. Mavi came back inside after leaving  to check on how much time I had before getting up in the stage.

"You're out just in time, you have five more minutes." She grinned. "Don't make them bust a nut, this time." She recalled.

"Isn't that my job?" I snorted before hugging her and walking out to the stairway case. I looked around for the small bar stand as I took a shot of tequila. Although, I hated tequila, it help me through so much.

The sound of applauding filled the air as the girls on stage walked off beside me, giving me good lucks and hugs, some just walked straight passed me without giving me a spare glare.

I shrugged it off like usual as I waited for the announcer to call my name to come up on stage. Hearing the music play, I took a deep breath as I walked up the stairs. At the last step I slowed down my walking into a sexy one, making my way towards the pole as I stripped down my robe; gripping the pole tightly as I did my entry move.

Breathe, relax, feel the beat. I took my feet off the ground as I made eye contact with one of the men in crowd that stood up amongst the others. I couldn't read him, his face was cold and his eyes was stern. I shook my head out my thoughts as I began to go upside down without really much thinking about my routine. I quickly picked up a different move to make it look natural, pushing my body against the pole as I danced up against it for a few seconds.

Money poured onto the glossy floor, making me dip down, doggy style as I arched my back downwards to grab some of the cash and rub it against my body. Mavi and the others were right, they are throwing cash like crazy. My eyes wondered as it couldn't help to find the man that I made eye contact earlier. After a while, I gave up searching trying to focus my brain back into what's important and that was this routine and cash. The only two things, nothing else.

Therefore, I reach my hand back on the pole as I climbed up it, seeing the crowd grow bigger than what it seems. The far I got higher, the more I felt watched, more than the crowd could even pay attention.

The hours of me being on stage passed as I quickly gathered up the money and my robe. I ran down off stage, and made my way into the backstage area, stopping at the mini bar again as I took another shot of tequila and dashed into the room. The feeling of me being watched disappeared for the most part, lingering just a little bit as I wrapped up the money in my bag.

Word count: 978
Editor: shototxdxrokiii

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