𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡,, 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐞

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"Hiii!" Rae exclaimed as the 'starting soon' screen went away and was replaced with her at her desk. "How are we today?" Rae asked as she sipped on her coffee and read her chat. Rae set her coffee down and began getting her computer ready to start playing.

"Hello?" Imane's voice spoke up catching Rae's attention.

"Hello." Rae responded.

"Celine and Janet will be here any second and I think Leslie is about to be here too." Imane told her. Rae hummed in response as she read her chat. She saw a comment asking about her shirt making her gasp.

"Oh, I forgot to show you guys!" Rae exclaimed, taking off her headphones. She stood up from her chair and backed up so they could see her whole body. "The (y/n) (y/l/n) merch that I ordered got here today!" She smiled showing off her shirt. "It's my favorite thing I own." Rae said sitting back down, slipping her headphones back on.

"Are you talking about your (y/n) (y/l/n) merch?" Imane questioned.

"Yes." Rae smiled widely. Imane groaned.

"I swear all you do is talk about her." Imane said.

"I know right? She's all like '(y/n) is so pretty' and 'oh my god, (y/n) released a new song'. You're obsessed with her." Janet laughed, having just joined the call in time to tease her roommate.

"I am not!" Rae gasped, defending herself, but they all knew that she was lying.

"Hello, what are we talking about?" Leslie asked when she joined hearing only a bit of their conversation.

"Rae's obsession with (y/n) (y/l/n)." Poki answered.

"IT'S NOT AN OBSESSION!" Rae screamed, throwing her head back.

"Okay, whatever you say." Poki said sarcastically.


Rae sighed and fell back into her bed. She had just ended her stream and after sitting in her chair for hours she was happy she was finally laying down.

She yawned and jumped a little hearing her phone ding with a notification popping up. Rae read the notification and her eyes widened a bit.

y/n y/l/n wants to send you a message.

"What the fuck?" Rae gasped full of shock. She quickly unlocked her phone and accepted the message. 

the merch looks really cute
on you, maybe next time you
could be the model for the promo
shoot :)

"Imane!" Rae shouted jumping up from her bed, suddenly not tired anymore. She ran to her roommates room and repeatedly knocked on the door until it opened.

"What?" Imane asked worriedly with wide eyes.

"(y/n) (y/l/n) just messaged me on Instagram." Rae exclaimed. Imane glared at her with an annoyed look.

"I thought you were dying." Imane groaned.

"I think I might. She called me cute!" Rae said smiling brightly, jumping up and down a little.

"What did you say?" Imane asked.

"I haven't yet." Rae said.

"Well respond then." Imane replied.

"What do I say?" Rae asked nervously. "You gotta help me." Rae pushed passed Imane into her room.

"I just wanted to go to sleep." Imane whined quietly before closing her door and going to sit by Rae.

I hope you enjoyed this. Don't forget to comment and vote please! Thank you for reading 💜

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