.chrysanthemum hearts beat for each other.

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.weddings, namaari's mouth on mine and serpentine tales.


Author's Note 

!! heyya !!

and welcxme to the second chapter,,

!! this is the last chapter !!



summary : 

Raya drools over exposed cleavage, Namaari sets a dress on fire and AtitẎa gets married.

Oh and shades of purple with creamy white is a mood.

it's a fucking love story if you haven't realised yet.



chapter two

chrysanthemum hearts beat for each other



" weddings are pretty "

Boun announced, Tong 'huhh'ed in agreement.

Seated in Fang's central amphitheatre, with its high ceiling and pillars carved with Kumandra's history, Boun and Tong [ who had little Noi in his arms ] spoke in hushed voices.

The scene was a pretty one.

Fang had given up its amphitheatre for the wedding, a very generous contribution, as Boun liked to say.

Swathed in mauve and cream cloth, pillars stood pretty while the southern breeze wafted by, alleviating the heat in the stuffy space.

Murmurs and whispers floated into the air as the everyone from the guests to the chieftains of Kumandra became restless.

Pink chrysanthemum petals, pretty and pale, floated down from the chandeliers, spiralling through the air.

Little Noi giggled as a flower petal fell on her nose, Tong smiling at her reaction, huffed the petal off her nose, the ticklish sense of breath making Noi laugh whilst Tong laughed because he could.

Boun watched as a petal fell from the ceiling and in his palms. He picked it up and twirled it between his fingertips, a pretty petal, so pale he could see it's veins.

Boun peered at the ceiling, curious to find out about the pretty pale petals.

Ongis with their little flower baskets, scramble over the ceiling's support beams and over chandeliers, scattering flower petals.

Boun chuckled, the sight a slightly odd one.

Abruptly music began to play, flutes and seungs, harps and cymbals struck their first chords as the crowd quietened down.

.weddings, namaari's mouth on mine and serpentine tales.Where stories live. Discover now