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(Y) was currently watching his favourite movie of course with subtitles on.

Takami wasn't home, he was currently in a mission and he hasn't been home for months leaving (Y) in their pent house all alone.

Sometimes he do get lonely but whenever he's lonely he would sometimes invite Aizawa, Hizashi, and Nemuri over to his house.

The other three teachers understand how lonely it'll get when (Y)'s husband wasn't home so they'll be happy to accompany him.

(Y) sure was grateful to have friends like them, but however it doesn't felt the same when the love of his life isn't home.

In two days Takami is going to come home from his Mission that means he won't be lonely anymore.

(Y) seems exited from the thought of that he kicks his legs excitedly while watching the movie.

But a few minutes later his head started to hurt, and his eyes began to blurred a bit, he rubbed his eyes as if there was something blocking it.

After the headache disappeared he continued to watch his movie but his eyes was still blurry, he squints his eyes trying to made his eyes focus and read the subtitles.

But it didn't change, he started to rub it again but it's still the same. He felt worried and made an appointment to the local ophthalmologist this afternoon.

He huffed and turned off the TV and started to made some fruits salad because it helps him relax.

He did a bit of cleaning and after that he took a 5 minutes bath, he finished and went to put on his plain white shirt, one of Takami's hoodie that has a holes in the back but he didn't care and put on a his boxers and a ripped jeans.

He went to the door and put on his shoes taking the house keys getting ready to get his eyes checked.

"I'm going out..." He said, he looked back at the empty living room before he lock the doors.

(Y) walked through the busy street, he think he might get some candy or snacks on theway home. Thinking that made his tummy rumble but he decided to ignore it.

After a few minutes of walking he finally arrived in front of the building, he was a bit nervous but tries to be brave and stepped in.

(Idk time skip)

He read at the test results he did have some problems with his eyes. (Y) ordered a pair of contact lenses and glasses, he'll wear his contact lenses when doing his hero duty... And for the glasses he'll just use it when he's teaching and at home.

he sighed and went to the nearest super market to get his candy and snacks he was a exited to go to get it and restocking his snack stash.

The glasses and the contact lenses is going to be finished tomorrow it was pretty fast process to make those things these days.

-The next say-

(Y) stared at the glasses that was sitting on the coffee table, (Y) nervously put the glasses on and looked at his surroundings, it was clear.

He pumped his arm to the air while doing a little victory dance, he was glad that he can see things clearly again plus he was exited to see His husband tomorrow.

His mind suddenly clicked, how is he going to tell his husband that he got glasses? Will Takami hate it? Does it looked ugly on him?

These questions kept repeating on his mind, but he just brushed it off because he know that negative thoughts is no good for his mental health.

But eventually he gets hungry and ordered take out.

He Munch on his beef burger while texting his husband making sure he is in one piece because you won't know how dangerous his mission will get.

✨MY IDIOT✨ {Hawks X Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now