Chapter 41

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Tendou POV

I ran toward the playgroung that we used to meet up together


"Remember Satori, I'm always here"


'Y/n-chan, please be there. Please tell me everything the doctor said was a lie. Please......'

'Please hold me in your arms'


"She's just an imagenary friend Satori, she's not real."


Tears ran down my face as I saw the playground empty

'It's all my fault, I'm sorry my goddess. If I just visited more maybe.......just maybe I could've tricked my brain that I still needed you, in which I do."


'Y/n-chan thank you for always being there for me, thank you for holding me when I was vulnerable, for being my first friend and always supporting me. I love you Y/n-chan, I always have from the moment I saw you, but I can't say it, not anymore. Not when you......aren't real'

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