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It's been a week since Oikawa had started to really ignore her, and her health started deteirriorating rapidly. She would walk into the study hall for class just to have to run back out because of a coughing fit. But no matter how pale she looked, no matter how much her frail body shook when she let out heart wrenching sobs of pain in the public washrooms at break, he never got involved.

He didn't want to, not anymore. He was convinced he couldn't, so that he could help her. But everyday that he ignored her waves, or declined all her calls, he made made it so much worse.

One day, she never made it to class. Not late, nor had she left early, she just.. never came.

Was he worried? No, at least that's what he told himself every time he checked the door when a student came in to see if it was her. Other than the sullen gloom that crowded the room without her there, it was just another day. Just another useless 24 hours lived and repeated. Eat, sleep, repeat.. Nothing had changed, but nothing felt right, without her, his brain thought against his wishes. But it was right and everyone in all her classes knew it, especially Oikawa. Days without her had dulled and lost meaning.

His thoughts, and the class, were interrupted when Oikawa's phone rang. It played a small hum, but still was the cause of the classes disruption, so he left the class. Outside of the doors, he fished his phone out of his bag, and his face paled as he read the number.


It read laying displayed on the colorful background. His face paled as he instantly recognized the dreaded number. The number that had brought pain, and death. The hospital was calling him. He unwillingly answered, hand shaking as he held it to his ear.

"Hello, is this Tooru Oikawa?"

He was sure that the shake in his voice was evident anyways, but tried to pretend like he didn't know what he did.

"U-Um yeah- Yes it is."

"Do you happen to be close friends with, or related to Victoria (L/N)?"


He pushed through the hospital doors ( ha, door), only stopping at the reception.

"Hello miss, please, I need to see someone, can you help me find her?"

"Sir please calm down, can i have a name?" The receptionist said calmly.

"Um, ya V-victoria, Victoria (L/N)"

The lady loudly clacked on the computer keys, clearly annoyed with Oikawa as he anxiously fidgeted.

"Room 88, that's her, remember not to get too attached, she's probably going to-" She rolled her eyes as she realised that he had run away as soon as she said the room number.

His feet slapped against the marble floors, sending him jetting past various figures blurred by the speed he ran. Gut wrenching- heart-pumping- as several thrusts forward, his legs became shaky and heavy as he reached her room, her temporary room.

This was it, door 88. His gut did flips as he hesitantly pushed open the metal door. He walked in but his heart stopped as he saw her limp body on the bed, despite the heart monitor still reading well, she didn't look the part.

Blood pounded in his ears. His heart thudded in his chest. His hands shook. His legs tingle. His vision disfigured, as if he were looking through a fisheye lens.

"That isn't her," He told himself. She looked as if.. A familiar stranger. That wasn't the girl he would run around with playing tag in preschool. That wasn't the girl who he would call for hours straight, talking about each other's day even though they were at school together. That wasn't the girl who he laughed and cried with. That wasn't the girl he loved.

That was it. He loved her, and he was the reason this was happening. He wanted to help her. That's all he wanted to do.

He slowly stepped down to the foot of the bed, grabbing the white plastic clipboard, attached by a bungee cord. He flipped through all of the papers, stopping at the diagnosis.

Hanahaki Disease, 花吐き病, Enfermedad de Hanahaki

Disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs, which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left untreated.

"I know how to do it, i know how to help her."

The weight in his chest lifted as he ran to the side of the bed.

He smiled like a child as he leaned down to kiss her, gently touching his lips to her pale ones. Her eyes fluttered open as she kissed him back. She laid her head back down on the pillow, resting her strained neck as she closed her eyes and smiled as warmly as she could.

"I love you"

"..I love you too-"

It felt as if all the air had escaped his lungs as the monotone beep of the heart monitor flatline.

He couldn't do it. He was too late. He killed her.

Oikawa slumped into the cold metal chair. He leaned forward, placed his head in his hands and sobbed. Huge body-shaking sobs racked Oikawa's body, each coming in a wave, and, with every sob, he let out a whimper. (Oh boy, I sure bet Victoria wishes that she was alive for that ;;;;))))

He loved her. He loved her but he ignored her. What was he going to do now? He needed her but she's gone now, so he can't do anything now can he. At this point, he was useless.

Living was useless.


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